Ch. 7

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(I did not proofread this)

Tomorrow starts a brand new me.


Today is going to be very eventful, or well I hope it will. I may be only 16 but I can sure take care of myself and probably kick some butt! I just left the boys house and was now ging to the fitness center. I need to learn how to protect myself. Liam told me to go here, he went to this place to learn some stuff, for I don't know what.

I walked through the front doors and the smell of sweat and possibly blood filled my nose. I walked to the front desk and pointed to Landon, my guide. I saw a tall man with blonde hair, down to his eyes, he was really sweaty but pretty cute I gotta say. He came up and held his hand out and I took it and immediatly regretted it. It was all sweaty and warm, it grossed me out to the max.

He gave me a small sorry smile and led me to the boxing room. There were two other people in here, they were all men and they gave me some weird looks. I shook it off and went to Landon over to my station. He grabbed the little hand mats and held his hands up to me. I raised my fists and hit them as hard as I could.

"You can hit harder than that!" Landon yelled over the balring music of the gym. I frowed my eyebrows and raised myfists again. Landon huffed when I hit him and gave me a small smirk. "That's the best you can do!" he challenged. I wrote on the white board next to us,

"That's all I can do!" I protested (Woah! That's Jimmy's job, not yours!) I hit him once again and he stood there motion less like we were having a staring contest.

"I'll try and make you angry so you have a reason to hit harder" I nodded and raised my fists once again.

"All the boys hate yo-" I punched wth all of my might and Landon fell to the ground on his bum. I was breathing hard and staring at Landon. Landon was a mixture of fear, happiness and approval. He got up and dusted himself off. I gave him a small smile.

"You said to make me angry not piss me off" I wrote angrily, he just grinned from ear to ear.

"But you're angry now, aren't you!?" I couldn't help but laugh and give him a high-five for that. We practiced for about another hour until I had to go since Landon has other people to coach and not just me. I walked out of the gym and over to the exit. I couldn't help but smell the food from the lunch room. I guess I can eat here for today, I walked in and got my lunch and payed the nice lady.

I sat alone and ate quietly and picked at the left overs. I don't know why but my left over food always makes me mad for some reason. I got up and threw away the food and placed the tray back down. I decided to go to the only place I know where to go, where I am treated like family. The only person I've known ever since I was put into the Orphanage, my best friend.


I walked for about thirty minutes until I got to the very familiar red house with white roof. I knocked on the door and luckily enough, Hannah was right at the door. She rubbed her eyes and they widened quite quickly. She lunged foward and engulfed me in the biggest hug ever. We pulled apart and we stared at each other, she hasn' changed a bit. Still the same straight blonde hair I was jealous of. The same skinny body with her perfect outfits and cute dimples. I was always jealous of her God like looks.

She led me inside and got us a cup af tea each. I sat on her comfy couch and slumped back like I have lived here my whole life. I sipped on my tea as Hannah was flipping through the channels. She landed on a channel and she squealed like a mouse, I looked at the screennd it was the boys. They were having an interveiw. I smiled and sat up on the couch.

Hannah was curled up in a ball and smiling like a mad man at the screen in front of us. I looked at her and giggled, she looked shocked and sat up.

"Do you know who they are?" she asked and I nodded. "Then why aren't you freaking out!" she yelled and and threw her hands up. I laughed and shrugged. I can't tell her, she might take advantage of me, just because I'm part of the famous boy band doesn't mean I am different. I'll tell her when we get closer, well closer than this.

The interveiw went on and we laughed and I bet Hannah cried in the middle about Liam's turtle. I loved the boys to death and I didn't know how funny they actaully were, Louis jeez sassy enough! He was sassing everybody that interrupted hm, sass her, sass him, sass them, sass everyone! Liam was the same, funny yet appropiate. Harry cheeky and a real pervert at times. Zayn the Bradford Bad Boi over there! And I don't even know about Niall he was eating the snacks off the table the whole time, he was talking like this 'NVUAHFIEMAK'.

I guess now was the best time to tell Hannah why I'm here. I grabbed a notebook from inside of her desk and wrote,

"Uhm... Hannah, I'm here because... erm... I was wondering if I could stay here for a while?" I looked at the ground. I don't want to see her reaction or decision.

"Of course you can stay here, Isabella! That' what friends are for, right?" I laughed and hugged the life out of her. I gathered my stuff and went to her guest room, I took a shower because I stink so bad right now! I brushed my teeth and went to go find my clothes. I dug through my bags and something fell out of my bag, a phone? I've never had a phone, who gave me this? I unlocked it and it had a picture of the boys acting so crazy with silly string. I looked through the contacts it had all the boys,Liam's mum and dad, the others boys parents and Paul.

I clicked on the Liam's contact, I seem more close to him than anyone else. I rang through my ears and then I heard shuffling, I waited until Liam settled down.

"Hello? Isabella? Is everything okay?" He asked so many questions. Wait I can't talk, why did I call him! I hung up on the spot and texted him quickly.

To: Liam

Sorry, I don't talk I forgot. But I wanted to see how things are and if you guys miss me yet (:

I waited for his reply and got it almost instantly.

From: Liam

It's fine, and yes we miss you! We miss you so much! We keep talking about you and could barely keep ourselves quiet during the interveiw! Did you watch it?

To: Liam

Yes I watched it and I miss you guys as well but this is for the best, plus I'm actually pretty good! Who are the other lads?

From: Liam

They are fine, are you safe? Will you be okay?

To: Liam

Yes I'll be safe, I'm going to be staying with my friend Hannah for a while, and hopefully get back to you!

From: Liam

Good (: Well I gotta go, Love ya!

To: Liam

See ya!

I put my phone away and slipped into my bed and waited for the darkness to overcome me, I hope I get to see them soon. I can't stop thinking about them, is Liam going to safe? Are any of them going to be safe. I put them in this danger if they get hurt it's all my fault and their fans will go nuts. And try to kill me! I hope everyting will be okay, I will learn to fight and protect myself and save everyone. Like the super heros in my books, I will be one of them, one of my dreams. I went to sleep quickly I need alot of sleep if I have to train tomorrow too.

A/N ~ Hey Guys, thanks for reading! So sorry for not updating in a while, just wasn't in the mood for writing and usually this helps clear my mind but it didn't. I'm having some family troubles so please forgive me! I'll try to update faster than this. Back to you my sis Kelsey!    ~Teddy <3

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