Ch. 1

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How can someone like me live when nobody ever cares that you're even alive? I guess I'm just waiting, waiting for something or someone that will never show. Like a prom date. This is nothing like a prom date, I'm not waiting for my ride to show up at my house to take me to the best night of a teenage girl. Oh no I'm waiting to get out of this place, to get out of this world that I live in. To go somewhere, where people actualy care, somewhere, where I can be happy with myelf where nobody judges.

One Day.

I think to myself, what would this world be like if I wasn't here? Would people even care to find me or atleast say, where did Isabella go? Maybe one day I'll hear the three words everybody must love to hear. I love you. I guess I'm one of the people that say it and not hear it. The people that get rejected or worse never spoken to again, ignored. I've learned if you don't speak nobody can judge you on how you talk, or how your teeth look. I've learned to keep my mouth shut, this is the third year I haven't talked and honestly I don't really remember much on talking. And don't plan on talking anytime soon.

I woke up to grey clouds and rain running down my windows, and that's exactly how I felt. I looked out the window to see absolutly nothing, a gravel road that leads to nowhere, and a tree with a wooden swing hanging from a branch. It was almost winter and it would be the third year I have spent in this place, the Orphanage. The one my mother took me to when I was 14, and being the little girl that never understood why people left and did things. I agreed to go there but I thought it was a one day thing. When my mother never came back for me the day after and then the next and the next, I soon realized that I was left and never to be thought of again.

I got up and did my normal things, got dressed and brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs. I plan on getting out of here and going far far away from this awful place. I have the whole thing planned out, I will follow Mrs. Shuelli behind her back and wen she's on th phone grab the keys to the back door and run away, locking the door on my way out. Everything is already packed and ready for whenever I get the chance. I've been planning this for a month now .

I ate my regular bagel and orange juice and headed back to my room to spend the rest of the day in, like normal. I pulled my notebook out from under my matress and flipped to a random page. This notebook had all of my secrets, and drawings. Basically my diary. I read through the old entrys and tried remembering the fun times me and my family used to have, then it went all down hill. I slammed my book shut and stared out the window. I'll get out some day.

"Isabella, are you in here?" I heard Mrs. Shuelli say as she walked into my room. I sat up and looked at her. "You are getting adopted today, Isabella" she smiles. No I was just about to get out of here, nobody can adopt me! I shook my head and jumped off the bed and out my door, only to be met by really tall men. There were two of them and one was wearing a black leather jacket and had a peircing in his left ear. He had black skinny jean, way too skinny I might add. His hair was spikey and was brown. The second had a brown jacket on with a peircing on his right ear. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes. He also had skinny jeans and combat boots.

I backed up and ended up right in front of Mrs. Shuelli. she grabbed my shoulders and pushed me towards them. I opened my mouth yet nothing came out, I squirmed and thrashed trying to get away from these weird looking men. They both smiled at me and I just kicked harder and ended up in one of their arms.

"Hey stop kicking you little, brat" the one holding me whispered in my ear. I stared wide eyed at him and gaped back at Mrs. Shuelli. How did she interveiw these people! They are going to beat me, worse rape me! I can't let them take me! The other man took my legs and held me and gave me a sympathetic look. I thrashed alot until they put me in their car. It was very clean and light.

I stared out the window to see them laughing and talking to Mrs. Shuelli. I banged on the window and got a glare from the first guy. I slumped down in my seat and waited until they stopped talking and got in the car. I waved one last time to Mrs. Shuelli and we drove away down the empty gravel road. Good thing I didn't have any friends there.

"So Isabella we hear that you don't talk, is that right?" I nodded and looked out the window. "My name is Breit and this is my fiance Kevin" The first man pointed to Kevin the one that gave me that sympathetic smile. I smiled and waved. We drove for aother five minutes and we ended up in front of a apartment complex and we all climbed out. They got my bags and we headed up to the fourth floor to their apartment. I looked around and it was surprisingly clean and fresh for what they look like I expected worse.

"Now you live here now, so you are going to live with our rules. Got it!" Breit yelled at me, Kevin came and whispered something to him and he calmed down. I just stood there wide eyed and nodded and looked at the ground. I sat on the couch and just stared around the room.

"Isabella, your room is atthe end of the hallway and on the right" Kevin said to me while petting Breit's hair which, Breit's head was on his lap. I nodded and took my bag with me. I opened the door and gasped, it was purple and it had atwin bed in the corner with a bookcase filled with books of all kinds. There was a small closet and a blue bean bag in front of a mirror. I unpacked alittle and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

"What do you think you are doing, brat!" Breit said walking into the kitchen next to me. I looked at him and pointed to the fridge. "Are you hungry? I don't know what you mean, speak!" he screamed and I felt a few tears fall and I ran to my room. I buried my face in the pillows and over heard Kevin and Breit talking.

"You can't just scream at her, Breit!" Kevin said. I can just see him putting his hands on his hips.

"Well, what am I supposed to do, she won't talk to us!" Breit screamed back.

"Probably because she had some kind of trama or family thing! She will speak when she's ready! You remember when I was mute don't you?" Kevin said, I heard foot steps going down the hallway and I sat back up and wiped my tears. Kevin and Breit came in and stood there awkwardly. Breit scratched the back of his head and came up to me.

"Isabella, can you please forgive me for my out-burst?" he said in a robotic voice, not sincerly at all. I gave in though for Kevin's sake I know Breit means alot to him already. I nodded and hugged Breit. Breit didn't hug back he just pushed me off and I fell into my bed. "Don't ever hug me again" and slapped me across the face, with that Breit left my room. Kevin came up and sat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm sorry about Breit... I think he just needs to warm up to you..." He hugged me and left me in my room. I touched my cheek where it was red and hurt to the touch. How could he hit me! I slipped into my covers and cried myself to sleep that night. I never thought I would say this but I wish I could go back to the Orphanage. I already know what family's do, they love you for awhile then they ditch you when you get boring or uninteresting. I can never trust anyone again not even Kevin, who seems to be the nicest one I've met today. I guess tomorrow is a new day and you know what they say, there's always a rainbow after the rain.

A/N ~ Hey guys, Teddy here. I hope you liked the first chapter and don't worry One Direction will be in here soon. Plus this is all FICTION and none of it is true and anything we say about One Direction is not how they really act... I hope you liked it! Now to you Kelsey! BYE LOVELIES!!!    ~Teddy <3

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