Guitar Hero Wars

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Grace and I are super pumped to be in England but I think what makes this whole thing better is that grace and I have an unofficial double date with Harry and Niall at nandos, then at Niall's house. I shrug a sky blue hoodie on over my white v-neck and adjust my b,ack skinnies to fit just a little over my Grey Vans. I turn to see how Grace is doing with her outfit, throwing my hair up into a high ponytail in the process. She looks really cute but still just tomboyish enough to pull off her layered solid green tank top and thinner green and white stripped one, paired with her faded jeans and dark green converse, she ready to go, but I stop her at the door. "Hair. " I say.

She rolls her eyes, "it's fine. " I give her my Do You Really Want To Mess With Me On This look and she says, "fine, but if it looks girly at all, I'm taking it out. " I agree and grab my brush from the side table, as well as a ponytail holder. All I do is sweep all of her hair to one side and braid it. In the end she agrees that it does feel better and doesn't look TOO girly. I smile and shoo her out the door, grabbing my bag on the hook by the door as we head out. As we head downstairs with Scott trailing behind us, I suddenly get nervous. "Grace?" I say, stopping.

She turns to me, "yeah? You okay?"

I shrug, "I dunno, I guess I'm just nervous. " she smiles, taking my arm and we start walking towards the back door, where the boys have agreed to meet us. Grace pushes the door open with her foot to find Harry and Niall looking very flustered.

Grace elbows me, "looks like you weren't the only one nervous about the date. " she says, cracking her self up. I tell her to shut up and we get in the car, her and Niall in the front seat.

Harry and I sit in the back, one seat between us. I notice that he's been rubbing his hands through his hair a lot. I reach over and grab his hands, making them stop. He looks at me, smiling sheepishly. "You okay?." I ask, even though he's obviously not.

He nods, then his smile falters, "I just don't want you to think things are moving too fast. "

I look over at him, confused, "Harry, what are you talking about?" I ask, starting to get a little suspicious.

"I want you to meet my mom." He blurts out, burying his face in the seat.

I laugh, relieved and grab his hands. "Of course!"

He raises his head up, "really?"

"You sound confused. Of course, why wouldn't I?" He shrugs and I decide to leave it alone, getting out of the car.

"This, " Niall says, gesturing, "is Nando's." Grace looks WAY too excited and in the end we decide to get it to go and go ahead back to Niall's house. As soon as we pull up, Grace jumps out of the car and runs up the front steps. Grace gets that look on her face and I know a bet is coming. "Hey Horan!" Grace yells, causing Niall to walk over. "How about we make a bet?"

He looks interested. "Okay, what are the terms?" He asks Grace, who looks only too happy too clarify. "We play five rounds of Guitar Hero, three out of five wins. Whoever loses has to meet the other persons parents. Got it?" She says, looking quite pleased with her self. He nods, grinning from ear to ear. Something tells me he almost wants to lose this one but I doubt his pride will let him. I roll my eyes and Harry puts his arm around my waist.

"We need a bet like that," he whispers, then winks. I gasp and slap his arm, but he just laughs. We go inside and Niall leads us into his game room which I have to say is quite impressive. He's got a huge flat screen, five gaming chairs and every kind of game and game system you could ever need. I can tell by the look on Grace's face that she is not going to want to leave this room any time soon.

Niall turns the wii on and asks Harry if he wants to play, then asks me. I shake my head and look over to Harry who looks at me and smiles. "I think I'll be fine as long as she's here. " he says, making me blush.

The first song is "Falling Even More in Love With You". At first it looks like Grace is really wiping the floor with Niall, but he swoops in at the last second, doubling his points and ultimately smashing Grace. From the look on her face, she is not happy about it either.

The second song is one of Grace's best songs. "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls. She has Niall beat from the very beginning and unlike the first time, it stays and she finishes miles ahead.

Things are starting to get a little more tense as "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder comes on. Grace and Niall battle it out bad this time, Grace coming in ahead of Niall by a measly three points.

The fourth song makes me crack up. "Eye of the tiger" starts blasting through the speakers, both Niall and Grace looking completely focused, not even a trace of a smile on either of their faces. Right at the end, the wii glitches and gives Niall an extra two hundred points, giving him an easy win.

The final song, Hotel California, makes Grace's resolve even steelier. Niall beats Grace by one point and the game is over. Grace lost a bet. For the first time. "So I guess that means you're meeting me mum huh?" He asks. Grace just glowers at him. He pulls her into a hug, whispering something in her ear that makes her laugh.

"Well, we'd better get home now," I say, looking at Harry, who nods. Grace gives Niall a kiss on the cheek and he does the same for her, helping her get into the car. I turn to Harry. "Tonight was fun. We should do this again. " I say, smiling at him.

He cracks a grin. "You still have to meet my mum. "

I sigh. "I know. " Harry looks at me and without any warning leans in, slightly brushing my lips with his. I feel tingly all over and I'm about to freak out so I kiss him on the cheek and get I the car.

Grace wiggles her eyebrows. "What was that?" She asks.

"Just let me enjoy this," I say, bringing my fingers up to my lips and closing my eyes.

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