great !

22 0 0

Since a couple of days Fiona has been starting to crawl. Like she's been crawling everywhere. She goes intl the pantry, up the stairs, into boxes, and places you wouldn't expect a baby to go.

This was becoming harder than I thought. How will not be when she walks. Ugh I can't handle it. I need a time out, just one night or day I'm away from this mess.

I love her but it's so much work and I can't handle it. It's time for me and Kelly to have a girls night.

I call Kelly and ask if we want to have a girls night out. She was excited and told me to be there around 7.

Before I left I put a list of Fiona's schedule for the night on the table. Niall thought I was being ridiculous but I knew he was going to need some help. And I wasn't gonna come home unless someone's in danger.

We arrive at the bar and each get a drink. I'm driving back so this is my only one.

" I'm really glad we get to have a night out" she says and takes a drink.

" yeah me too, with Niall working on the album and going to all the concerts im stuck taking care of Fiona all day. And with her starting to crawl and soon walk ots not getting any easier. "

" why don't you get a babysitter? "

" I was thinking about that but it makes me feel like a bad mom."

" you know what we should stop talking about her and Niall and just have fun"

" ok" throughout the night I probably did have a drink or two to much. Well I was totally drunk. Key too so there was no going home tonight.

As we sit back down from dancing some guys come over and ask us how old we are. 23 and 22. They looked like 18 maybe 19.

" so you all alone here?" One of them asks.

" yup we're all grown up." Kelly says and leans forward and throws up all over the guys shoes. Discussing.

We leave after that. Since we both can't drive we walk over to the nearest hotel. It's like 5 blocks down. We check in and walk to our room. I wash myself a little, Kelly throws herself straight in the bed.

When I finished she was already sleeping. I lay down too and sleep.

I wake up that night a bit sobered up and remember that I said I'd be back tonight. I get up and walk over to my pants that where laying on the chair next to the bed. I put my hand into the left pocket and grav for my phone. It's not there. Oh shoot I lost my phone. What if something happened at home. I get nervous and look in the bathroom if it's there. No, I walk back into the bedroom and look like everywhere. When I still can't find it I grab the room key and ask at the reception.

" did you find a phone?"

" no, not that I know of " she then turns back to reading her magazine.

" Are you sure?" She then looks up at me.

" lady I already told you we didn't find a phone a phone so please just go back to your room." I flick my hair as I turn around.

" rood! " I say and walk out the front door. If it isn't in the hotel I must have lost it at the bar or on the way here.

Walk my to the bar I look everywhere on the floor. But again nothing! This was really getting on my nerves.

As I arrive at the bar I notice it hasn't gotten any less crowded. Great, now I have to deal with as bunch of drunk people.

First ace I go is the bathroom. The I ask at the bar its self.

OMG this can't be real. It couldn't just disappear.

I stomp back to the hotel slam the door open which I probably shouldn't have, and scream into the pillow. I also forgot that I had company and she was totally freaked out by my actions.

" wtf was that? " she says looking at me with fear and confusion.

" long story short I lost my phone and can't find it anywhere"

" I told you before we even got to the bar that I put it in my purse. "

" WHAT are you serious right now?"

" yeah, you forgot your purse so I put it in mine. It son the side pocket left" I turn and grab my phone. This isn't real, I'm just dreaming this shit.

Get back in bed and look at my messages and I got......NONE. All this drama and I didn't even get any messages. I slam my phone under my pillow and sleep, or try.

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