Chapter 10

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Its been a week already since I moved in with the Mekakushi Dan, and so far its been well. Very different from what I was used to, including the part where Shuuya slips into my room at night.

I lay on my back stareing at the ceiling, picking out designs and images from the random shapes. I sighed and closed my eyes and curling up, and wrapping my arms around my knees. I accedentally slipped into random thought and sat there awkwardly stared, a dumb expression crossinging my face.

A knock on the door jarred me awake again and I sat up to answer. Of course it was the cat like male, but I was expecting him to walk in. Instead, he just said:

"Hey, put on your shoes, we're goin' out" He smiled and walked to the other room before I could respond.

Okay then. I sighed once again and slipped on my hoodie and vans. I walked, hands in pockets, lazily slumping against the couch.

I looked at him with a 'what the fuck do you want this time' face and he feigned ignorance.

"You goin' somewhere?" He laughed. I scoffed and smacked the back of his head, ruffleing his hair.

"Alright alright! Hey no need for violence!" He said linking his arm with mine.

I hugged him tighter saying sorry and walking out the door.

The air was really cold for summer, and it was pitch black without the streetlights. I shivered clutching my hoodie closer with my free hand.

Shuuya unlinked his arm from mine and wrapped it around me bringing me closer to him. I slid my arm behind his jacket and around hugging him as well.

We walked down the dim orange sidewalk, the only sounds being our footsteps, breathing, and natural rustles of wind and leaves.

I risked a glance up at his face, admireing his cat like eyes and pretty hair. He looked down and caught me looking, but surprisingly I didn't mind. I smiled causeing him to blush, for once not me the one being flustered, and kiss my forehead.

We swerved into a big alleyway leading to a smaller one. It reminded me of my little clearing, how it was small than widened to a bigger space. But this time it didn't lead to a clearing, it lead to a giant wall covered in graffiti. I spotted spray paints in a basket to one side and far too many empty spots on the wall.

I squealed and ran to the cans leaveing Shuuya pouting, wishing he had more warmth. I grabbed the purple spray can shakeing it before writing my name in swirly letters. Shuuya went back over it in orange giving it a pop out effect.

I grabbed a different spray can anonymously spraying a giant green half circle. I shook it again and continued until I had a full out line of an eye. I than grabbed black shakeing it and filling in the lines between and giving it details. I shook the white paint giveing the pupil and eyelid some shine and depth.

I sighed contently looking over seeing Shuuya finishing up writing his name in graffiti letters. It looked amazing and I couldn't help but start painting more....


"(Y/n)....?" Shuuya asked from behind me. I hummed in acknowledgement, looking to see aspent looking cat boy.

"I think the sun is riseing. Kidos gonna b-" I interrupted, "OH MY GOD WE NEED TO GO THAN." We ditched the paint cans and ran the rest of the way.

Our clothes were stained with colors and we couldnt have people know we met and dated secretly. I shoved Shuuya into his room and ran into mine discarding my ruined ones. I changed and collapsed, totally spent, onto my bed.

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