The Sacrifice

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Dante's P.O.V.

I couldn't let Roman take Katy away from me again. When Roman tackled me for a killing strike, I grabbed him from his throat as I fell to the ground with him over me, snapping his jaws at me. I grunted and tried to push him back, but this beast is making sure I was unable to get away.

Suddenly, I saw a red fur crashed into the black wolf, throwing him off of me.

I heard Alexis and Olivia scream in terror as Kyle, Ben and Danny yelled.

I sat up and found Katy, in her wolf form again, fighting against Roman.

The two rose to their hing legs, biting each other. Roman clawed and sunk his fangs into Katy's neck, trying to crush her windpipe, but Katy twist herself out of his jaws and latched down onto the back of his neck, pushing him down to the ground. Roman yelps and tried to bucked Katy off of him, but she still held on until Roman lift himself up, throwing Katy off guard and fall off of him and to the ground.

She rolled over as Roman came on top of her, snapping jaws against each other with a snarling, yelping and whimpering until Roman pushed his paws against Katy's chest, making her yelp and letting go of him.

With a snarl, Roman latch his fangs onto Katy's neck again, this time to succeed to crush her windpipe. Katy howled and tries to get him off of her from kicking, but Roman wouldn't move.

"No!" I screamed in horror and ran at them, slamming my body into the black wolf, pushing him off of my beloved.

Katy coughed and rolled back to feet, trying to get up and stand her guard before me, growling with her tail lifted in the air and her head lie low, ready herself to fight.

Roman got up and stood before us with the same position as Katy. The two stood there, like they were talking in some wolf language. Roman took a couple steps back and threw his head up and howled into the sky.

Katy's ears perked up in alert as she looks around with worry as other wolves howled back to Roman as he looked back at Katy with a wolf grin then charged at us until there was a loud BANG!

Roman layed dead on the ground as Katy stared at him in shock then looked over as I did too, finding Ben with a smoking gun pointing at us. He lowered the gun and looks at me in forgiveness. "I had to do it," he said.

I nodded in gratitude as Katy walked over to Roman, sniffing him and nudge her snout against him, making sure he's dead then headed into the woods, hiding behind a bush. I looked behind me, finding my shirt laying on the ground with Katy's engagement ring on top of it. Quickly, I grabbed them and ran after Katy, figuring she turned back to her human form.

I found her back to normal with her knees to her chest as she stared at the ground in sorrow.

"Katy?" I spoken as I handed her the shirt.

Katy looked at me and took my shirt, putting it on and stood up. The shirt went passed her mid thigh. She stared at me with sorrow in her eyes as I handed her the ring. She looks down at it then back at me, shaking her head with tears starting to form in her eyes then took my head and lead me to our friends.

Once again, I felt my heart shattered from Katy's action. I wanted to pull my hand away from her and demand what's going on, but I just let her lead me back.

More wolf howls echoed through the woods as everyone looked around in fear.

Alexis looked over to Katy. "What's going on?"

"Roman gave them the call to charge in and attack the humans," Katy answered softly as she stared at the ground.

"What are we going to do?" Kyle asked as he stared at her in horror.

Katy trembles against my hand that she held, never letting go. Though that helped me calm down from my anger, but I'm not liking this feeling I'm having form Katy action. "I had a dream that the humans will soon hunt down the wolves and the wolves will attack the humans." Katy said as she looks up to us all with sorrow. "Those wolves are still humans that are still trapped in their wolf bodies and they were manipulated by Roman to kill humans. They are innocent and they don't deserve to be hunted down like animals."

"So what will happened to them?" asked Ben in concern, "Now that Roman is dead."

Katy closed her eyes as a tear fell from her eyes. "I was ment to be Roman's mate. The alphaness to the pack," she said with a shaking voice.

My blood ran cold as my heart stopped for seeing what she's getting at. I stared at her in hurt, disbelief and in anger; shaking. "Y-You don't mean that . . . "

I couldn't find a way to finish as Katy stared at me with wolf color eyes and more tears falling from her eyes. "Yes . . . " she spoken softly, "I have to go to them, convince as much of the wolves I can to not attack the humans and lead them away from here to safety."

I shook my head and grabbed her desperately. I can't lose her again.

"No! Katy, baby, you can't! I can't lose you." I begged her, "Please don't do this."

Katy looked at me in forgiveness as she pressed her hand to my cheek, rubbing her thumb against my skin. "I'm so sorry, my love. I do want to marry you," she told me, "but I can't let them suffer this fate." She finished and kissed me.

Trembling and with tears, I held her tight against me and kissed her deeply.

"But how do we get those that were humans back to humans?" Danny asked? "How can we get them back to normal?"

Katy pulled back from our kiss and looks down to the ground. "I honestly don't know. I can't even figure out how I shifted between . . . "

Alexis stepped forward with Olivia beside her, "We will figure it out. Your notes of the wolves are still at your aparment, right?"

Katy nods and looks back at the woods when she heard another set of wolf howls, now closer. She looked backed at us. "I don't have much time. Find my notes and figure out how to cure everyone."

"What about your parents?" Kyle asked. "They are still looking for you and they don't know about you being a wolf."

Katy looked down and took in a breath then let it out, looking back at them. "Let them continue looking." she said, "They can't know about this. Not many people should know about the wolves. It will endanger them."

"But, Katy . . . " Alexis spoken to explain, but Katy shook her head. "They can't know. I am sorry to put them though it, but have to know that I'm still missing."

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