Tears and Terror

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Dante's P.O.V.

Katy was in deep sleep for hours.  Alexis and the group headed back home so they can get some rest for their works.  Carry went out of the room to make phone calls to her work for taking the day off and call Katy's family to let them know she's fine.  Trevor did the same as he went out to get coffee for me, Carry and himself.  I staid in Katy's room, sitting by her side while holding her hand.  I already made my phone call to my work.

It was six in the morning when I finally dozed off to sleep while Carry and Trevor finally headed back home and to my apartment to get somethings for Katy.  I was woken when I felt Katy twitching and moving.  I opened my eyes and saw Katy slowly opening her eyes.  I got up immediately, holding Katy's hand tight.  "Katy.  Baby, can you hear me?"

Katy slowly opens her eyes more and looks at me then twitches away from me as she shrieks in terror.  I jumped in fright then gently holds her shoulder.  "Shh, shh.  Katy.  It' okay.  It's me.  Dante.  It's okay."

Katy breathed fast, having a hyperinflation.  I patted the back of her shoulder gently.  Soon as she calmed down, she looked at me with frighten . . . . gold color eyes???  "Katy?" 

Katy blinked as tears formed in her eyes.  Her eyes were brown now.  Must been my imagination.  "D-Dante," she whimpered.

I immediately grabbed her and held her gently against me.  Katy cried against my chest.  "I was so scared.  I thought you were Roman." She sobbed against my shoulder.

I looked at her in shocked then pulled her away to stare at her eyes.  "What?  Why Roman?  What's going on, Katy?" I demanded her for answers.

Katy trembled.  "I . . . I saw him in my dreams.  He was tormenting me."  She looked around herself and notice where she's at and looks back at me.  "Where - ,"

Her door opened and her parents came inside.  Her mother froze at the door way in shock.  I looked at Carry and then stared at Trevor.  Both of them looked at Katy with the look of joy formed in their faces.  "Katy . . . ," they gasped in joy.

Katy's eyes teared up as they fall from her eyes.  "M-Mom . . . Dad!" she gasped softly.

In a blink of an eye, I saw Carry and Trevor holding their daughter, crying.  Katy flinched when they touched her and cried in pain.  Instantly, her parents moved away from her and Katy looked at them and me in confusion.  "Where am I and why is my neck hurting?"  

I stared at her.  "You don't remember?"

Katy shook her head.  "All I remember is heading back home and the rest is a blank."  She told me.

"Don't worry about it, Katy."  Her father told her.

Katy looks at him.  "Why?  Why am I in a hospital."

I could sense the worry and panic in her tone.  I can tell now.  It's not the good time to tell her she was attacked by a wolf.  Carry and Trevor are trying to protected her love to the wolves as much as they can.  If only my folks would be like hers.

Katy's mother dug in the bag that she brought with her.  "It's fine, Katy.  You were attacked and you had to get stitches again."  Katy's eyes widen as she trembles again.  "But you are safe and alive.  That all it matters. Anyway.  Dad and I got permission from Dante and we got some stuff from the apartment to help you get comfy here 'till tomorrow."

I watch Carry pull out Katy's favorite blanket that's green and fuzzy, showing her some cloths she got for her.  "And I even got you Red.  The stuff animal you made," she said as she pulled out the red wolf stuff animal that Katy made from crocheting.  Then I heard Katy giving the most high pitch scream that I never her screamed before.

I jumped from the scream and looked at her.  I watch Katy moving away from her mother, getting away from the stuff red wolf.  I grabbed her and held her close to me.  "Shh, shh.  It's okay."

Katy starts sobbing against my shoulder as she muffles, "I remember . . . . I remember . . . . "

My heart broke to hear and watch Katy become terrified of what she loved very much before she met me.  What this wolf that attacked her before has done to her, it scared her for the rest of her life and it's branded on her skin to haunt her for the rest of her life.

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