Unknown Cause

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Katy's P.O.V.

I remain at the hospital for a day just to make sure everything is going okay for my health and my stitches. Turns out I couldn't go back to work in a couple days and I shouldn't do anything to reopened my stitches. So technically . . . . I'm only allowed to sit on my ass and do nothing. Well . . . . I could do something, like read or work on my projects that I couldn't attend cause of work taking up my time. But sitting on my ass is not one of my favorites.

On the day I got back from the hospital, Dante made me sit down on the couch and got me things that I can entertain myself as he went off to work. Personally, he didn't want to go to work and leave me alone, but I insisted that he has to go to work and that I'm a grown woman to look after myself.

I sat down on the couch, knitting up a stuff animal out of yarn while watching the news. Lately, people are going missing as the wolf population is increasing along with their attacks. I sighed as I looked down at a black and white wolf that I'm creating. He's meant to be Dante's wolf to go with a red wolf that I made for myself.

Sorrow filled my heart. All my late teen years to now, I always loved the wolves. Admire their beauty of their strength, the music of their howls, just them. Being free and strong. Now I'm seeing myself growing paranoid and worry of them now they are attacking people in my home state and home town. I set the wolf down and sighed, placing a hand on my face, rubbing my fingers against my eyes. "I need to do something besides this . . . ," I mumbled then removed my hand, looking at my phone.

A knock came at my door, making me jump then look over to it. I got up, putting a little pressure on my neck from the pain. For a grown man, Roman does have a strong jaw to hurt ya . . . .

When I got to the door, I looked over through the peep-hole. "Babe, it's me. Open the door," Said Dante.

I unlocked the door and opened it, watching my boyfriend coming inside with a bag of groceries. I stared at him as I closed the door. "I thought you were at work?"

Dante place the bags on the ground and looks at me, smiles and kisses me with his hand cupped around my cheeks. "They gave me the week off so I can look after you," he said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me that you wanted to take the week off because of me?"

Dante only smiled as he took care of the groceries. "Nope. They heard what happened to you and they told me to take a week off and take care of you." He looks at me from behind the counter, "Don't worry, they are paying me while I'm off work."

I stared at him blankly and confused. I mean . . . why would his work let him take the week off because I got attack by a guy? Yeah I know allot of his co-workers love me and all that, but Dante's work is more important. We need the money to live. I sat down on a stool near the counter. "Dante . . . are you sure you want to take that break? You know I can take care of myself."

Dante looks at me with the look of serious, mix with pissed off and worry. "Katy . . . baby, you just gotten violated by a guy from your work. He bit your neck to where you need stitches. And the police can't find him. You think that I should go to work and leave you alone unprotected? No way. You know how I feel when you get hurt and worst, having another male on you against your wishes."

I sighed with a shrug and nod. He's right and I don't want to fight with him. Not when my neck is throbbing in pain. I looked at him and placed a hand on my neck. "Did the doctors give you any pain medication for me?"

Dante looks at me in wonder as he held a gallon of milk in his hand and the fridge door in the other opened. "No? Why? Your neck is hurting?"

I nodded. "I can easily feel my heart beat without my heart beating hard and not touching it."

Dante raised an eyebrow and puts the milk in the fridge. "Hmm . . . . ," he came to me and lightly move my long brown hair back, "Let me take a look, okay?"

I nodded and tilt my head a bit to expose my neck as Dante removed the gauze around my neck then the patch that's over the stitches. A few seconds later till Dante gently placed a hand on the wound, making me flinch and pull away from him. I looked at him and saw his eyes widen with shock.

"What is it?" I dared myself to ask.

Dante blinked then slowly come up to me, placing his fingers on my neck near the wound. "Y-Your neck . . . it's burning up." He said with a shock. "Like you're having a fever." He placed a hand on my forehead.

"I don't feel sick," I said in confusion.

"Your head is not burning, but your neck feel like it's on fire." He pulls away and grabbed his phone and called someone. "Hello? May I speak with Doctor Coral?" He said.

I raised an eyebrow. Why is he calling the hospital?

"Hello? Doctor Coral? This is Dante. Yes I'm fine. Remember my girlfriend, Katy? Yes the one you stitched up on her neck. We have a problem with her neck . . . "

I watch my boyfriend talk to my Doctor and describing about what's going on with my neck. I'm still in confusion. What's wrong with my neck? I placed my hand over where the wound is at then jerk it away. It wasn't because it hurt when I touch it. It was because my neck, the skin around the wound feels like it's on fire!

I looked at Dante in fear. What's wrong with me? Is my neck infected?

As if he read my mind. Dante spoken on the phone to my doctor. "No . . . . I don't see any redness around the wound. So it's not infected then? Then what the hell is wrong with her neck?!"

I never seen Dante freak out like this before. He's so stressed an worried about me . . . . I feel very bad for him to worry about me.

Dante sighed and took a breath to calm down. "Sorry. What should we do to get rid of the burning?"

I looked over to the fridge. Thinking about getting into the freezer to get some ice to cool down my neck.

"Put an ice pack on her neck? Will it hurt her?" Dante asked on the phone.

I sighed then got up and headed to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack then place it around a towel. By the time Dante hung up on the phone, I placed the pack on my neck, wincing in pain then put it back on again. Dante came up to me and helped me to a chair.

"The doctor says that they don't know what could have cause the burning," He said softly in sorrow as he looked at my neck to make sure none of the stitches came undone, "but they will describe a ointment for your neck if it continues and they say if it get worst, call them."

I looked at him and held his hand. "It'll be okay. Maybe it's from irritation from the stitches." I suggested.

Dante only shrugged then kissed my head. "Probably." He looks at me with sorrow.

I couldn't help but grabbed his hand and held it. "It'll be okay, Dante. Really. I promise." I smiled in comfort for him. But Dante never smiled back at me.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. I closed my eyes and held his arms around me. "I don't want to lose you, Katy . . . ," he whispers in sorrow.

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