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Demi's POV: Okay let's see....I looked down at my laptop and all the dates for the next month. Wow, there were only six dates highlighted. This will be nice for a change, having almost a whole month off. But there is one problem....what the hell will I do with my time?? I guess I'll figure that out later; but right now I'm off to a photo shoot and then I have an interview for E! and finally I have a dinner with my manager to discuss what I'll have to do this month. It may sound busy to some but this is nothing compared to some of the hectic days I usually have and I'm looking forward to having a whole month like this.

 Spencer's POV: "Shhhh....It'll be okay darling." "No! Get away from me dad, you're drunk!" "Don't you tell me what I am you little bitch! No come here and keep quiet, this will all be over in a moment." I woke up immediately after he...well you know. I was sweating and my heart was racing really fast. This was just another morning for me; I doubt I'll ever have a good night's sleep ever again. I reluctantly got out of bed and headed into my closet. I picked out a purple shirt that was kind of loose on me, but that's mainly because I haven't had a real meal in over a month. I usually have whatever is left in the fridge that Mike, my step father leaves his leftovers at for me. Unfortunately pizza crusts and the last bites of burgers aren't very filling, leaving me with a very short and very unhealthy skinny body. I slipped on my dark wash jeans and grabbed my leather jacket to cover my scars, I didn't feel like putting make up over them. It was the middle of July so I didn't have to worry about school which was nice. I put on my converse and headed to my bathroom across the hall. I put on a little make up and brushed my teeth and hair. I quietly headed downstairs and went over to the fruit bowl we had on the table. I saw my step dad lying on the couch reading the paper. "Morning Mike...." I said grabbing an apple and getting a cup of water. He didn't say anything, he didn't even look up at me. In fact the only time he ever talks to me is when he's yelling at me and calling me names like bitch and ugly whore and a whole lot more. I walked back upstairs and went over to my laptop, I logged in my password and went on Facebook. I only had 45 friends and most of which were people who just felt sorry for me. And even they made fun of me in person. I looked through some message boards and then a message popped up. It was from Krista a mean girl at school; the sad part was that we used to be friends before I started cutting. In fact she was the first person who found out and instead of helping me and being there for me she told everyone in school to call me emo freak. And ever since then she's been my second worst nightmare. I read the message bracing myself. "Why are you still alive Emo?? LOL Seriously tho drop dead! I don't get why you even try.....you'll always be the weird Emo freak." I shut my lap top and ran to my closet. I looked through an my mom's old jewelry box and grabbed my razor. I pulled up my sleeve and dug it into my arm, where I found some space. I quietly cried.....for a long time....until I had no tears left.

Demi's POV: I was finally done with the photo shoot and after I had a quick lunch I headed to the E! studios to do my interview. When I got there I headed in to find Ryan sitting down on a couch with the crew waiting for me. I can't wait until this is over. (During the middle of interview about twenty mins later) "So Demi I hear that you have a little more time to yourself this next month or so...what are you planning on doing with that spare time?" I thought for a second....I really didn't know how to respond so I just decided to wing it. "Well I really want to take some time for myself and rest up before I start tour in the fall but I was also thinking about finding some charity work to do in some of that time off." Wow I'm good. "Really? Well that's great Demi...God you never stop giving." I blushed and we continued the interview.

Spencer's POV: I got up off the floor and headed into my bathroom to freshen up. My make up was all smeared and my hair was a mess. Not to mention the blood cascading down my arm. I went ahead and hopped in the shower and got re-dressed. I made sure that my jacket didn't ride up on my arm before going back to my room. I looked at my phone for the time; damn it was already 4:43 pm. I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. I snuck downstairs to find Mike sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer. "Where the hell are you going?!" He asked angrily. "I was just heading out to get some air and maybe grab something to eat." I told him getting nervous. "NO. Stay and eat here." He sternly said. I ignored him and headed to the door but his hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. "Let go of me now!" I screamed. He got this really angry look on his face as he screamed, "Don't tell me what to do you whore!!!" He punched my face and I fell backwards. I touched my lip and felt the blood spilling out. Uh Oh he's not done..... By the time I finally got out of Mike's grip and ran out; I was fully beaten, battered, and bruised. My lip was bleeding, my ribs were in a lot of pain, and my wrists were stinging like hell because he kept a tight grip on them. I cried as I ran, and I kept running. In fact, because I wasn't paying attention I ran all the way downtown LA. I bent over in pain and cried some more.

Demi's POV: Me and my manager went out to eat after that interview; I don't know what this place is called but it's somewhere in downtown LA. "So did you really mean what you said today? That you want to do charity work on your time off?" He questioned me as he took his last bite of his steak. "Yes...Well I don't know, I guess I just want to help someone." I told him taking the check and putting my debit card in it. He sighed and replied. "That's great but the whole point of having time off is to relax and have a good time." I nodded and took my card back when our waiter returned it. "I can still do that and help someone." He shrugged and we both headed out of the restaurant and to our cars. "Well don't get into any trouble. And have fun, I'll call you when you need to come in." He said getting into his car. I smiled and waved as he drove off. I got out my keys and was about to unlock my car when I heard crying. I looked across the street to see a very small young looking girl kneeling down and crying. Oh my god, she was beaten up pretty bad. I watched people make their way around her; how could no one stop and help her?! I walked across the street and slowly walked towards her. God she was skinny. Was she homeless?? I guess there was only one way to find the answers to all my questions. I got down on my knees and put my hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay sweetie?"

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