The Truth Comes Out

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Demi's POV: Once inside my house I sat Spencer down on a chair near the kitchen. I put down my purse and my phone and headed into my kitchen. I came back and handed her a glass of water. She gratefully took it and started to drink. With this better lighting I can truly see just how skinny she is and it occurs to me that she might have an eating disorder. There's only one way to find out, "Are you hungry sweetie?" I ask. She sheepishly nods and I head back into the kitchen and make her a sandwich and fruit cup. I bring it to her and watch her eat every bite without struggle. I guess she doesn't have and eating disorder which makes me feel relieved. When she's done I take back the plate and empty glass and take her to my upstairs bathroom.

Spencer's POV: I follow her up the stairs, oh god she's going to see my scars and be disgusted with me. I sigh when she takes me to her bathroom. She pulls out a washcloth and wets it with warm water. Demi picks me up and sets me on her counter gently. I still winced but try to hide it from her; apparently I didn't do a very good job because then she said, "I'm sorry sweetie, I tried to be gentle. Now hold still okay?" I nodded and she dabbed my lip and chin with the washcloth. My stomach started to feel a little upset but I kept quiet. When she finished she walked into her on suite bedroom and came back with some pajamas a bra and underwear. She then grabbed a big white fluffy towel and put it on the counter next to me. "I know this stuff will be big on you but it'll have to do. Unless you want me to take you home?" I quickly nodded no and she looked at me worried for a second but then nodded back to me. "Okay well why don't you hop in the shower, it'll make me feel better. Do you need any help?" She asked. "No I got it." I answered back quickly not wanting her to see my scars on my arms and hips. She shut the door behind her and I jumped in the shower. She was right it did make me feel better; well for the most part, my stomach was killing me.

Demi's POV: I went across the hall and changed the guest room's sheets and got a glass of water for her. I looked at the clock 8:34; I walk back over to my room and listen to the other side of my bathroom door. I could still hear the shower running and stuff moving around so I backed up and sat on my bed and waited. After another five minutes I heard the shower turn off so I walked up to the door and knocked. "Do you need any help getting dressed Spencer?" I knew she was probably going to say no but I wanted to make sure. I mean I wouldn't want her to get more hurt. "No I can do it." She told me. I shrugged and let her be.

Spencer's POV: I told her no and I bet you can guess why....when I hopped out of the shower I dried off, and went over to where Demi had laid my pajamas and underwear and slipped them on. Oh no! It's a short sleeved shirt and I don't have any make up on my wrists!! I started to breath really fast; she was going to find out. I started to cry and hyperventilate. I sat on the ground and cried for what seems like forever, when all of sudden I heard a knock at the door. Oh no here we go.

Demi's POV: Was Spencer crying?? I was just about to see how she was doing when I heard loud breathing and muffled crying. I knocked on the door and opened it to find a very frightened looking Spencer curled up in a ball on the floor crying. Her eyes were puffy and red and she was shaking. "Spencer what happened hun?" I asked coming closer. That seemed to make her more upset. "It's okay Spence. Come here," I carefully pulled her into my lap where she buried her head in my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. It broke my heart to see her this upset. "Stay calm hun, match your breathing with mine okay?" I told the trembling girl. She nodded and tried her best to match my breathing. It took a while but she finally did calm down a bit. When she lifted her head I thought she was ready to tell me what happened but instead she got this weird look on her face and suddenly I knew what was about to happen. I picked her up out of my lap and leaned her over the toilet. She didn't even get a chance to moan from the pain; the second She leaned over she started to throw up. She started to cry again and I held her hair back and rubbed her back with my spare hand. After she threw up her sandwich she ate earlier she started to puke up acid from her stomach, wow she hasn't eaten in a while other than what I gave her. When she was done I wiped her mouth with a tissue. I pulled her back into my lap and softly cooed her as she cried. "Shhh, Shhh, It's okay sweetie, you're okay now, when was the last time you ate besides what I gave you?" I asked as I rubbed her back and rocked her back and forth. She looked up at me with watery eyes and responded, "I think the last real meal that I ate was about a month ago." She re-buried her head in my chest and I continued to draw circles on her back; "Well that explains why you just threw up, It's because it's been so long since you've eaten. That sandwich was just a little too much for you."  After a little longer she seemed to be calming down; then I noticed her arms that were wrapped around my waist. They had scars on them....oh no. My heart broke even more for this poor girl. I sat her up and out of my lap and waited for her to wipe her puffy tired eyes before talking. "Can I see your arms please Sweetie?" She quickly shook her head no and scooted back. She hid them behind her and I sighed and scooted towards her. She looked at me with terrified eyes, "Spencer don't be scared, I just want to take a look. Please I want to help." I waited for her to reply but she just stared at me. She finally looked down as she put her left arm forward I turned her arm around and saw dozens of new and old scars covering her whole arm. "Is this why you were crying? You didn't want me to see them?" I asked tracing my finger over the fresher looking cuts. She nodded and looked down on the floor; I pulled her forward and hugged her. It took her a moment but she eventually hugged me back. I don't know why or how but I was determined to help and be here for this girl.

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