February 21 2016

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Still no word from him. I have really fucked everything up. He made me so happy. He helped me get over my ex. I fell in love with him and now he wants nothing to do with me. Maybe I should just go die in a whole so I can't hurt anyone anymore, I bet nobody would care anyways...I'm such a screw up. I seriously can't let myself be happy cause I always fuck it all up every time never fails. I just wanna be happy with someone. I want a relationship like the one in the movie if I stay or the one in the notebook or the one in any good chick flick. That's my dream, my goal in life but I don't think I'll ever find a relationship like that anywhere. I just want someone to take my pain away. I wanna be loved and I wanna love them the way they love me. Y can't I just have that happiness. I just want to be as happy as ever with someone without screwing it up. I don't wanna be hurt anymore and I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore. I am a damsel in distress and I need my knight in shining armor to come rescue me from the evil world of pain and regret. I feel so terrible and just wanna be rescued. I want someone to sweep me off my feet but will that ever happen? Most likely not because I can never be happy without losing the one thing that makes me happy. I wanna be loved and I wanna be cared for by someone I can love and care for the same but at this point I don't know if that will ever happen for me...y me? Y does this always have to happen to me? Someone please answer me that. I just want all my pain to go away. Someone save me?

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