Chapter 1

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(A/N This is my first attempt at writing in first person, so if it's not that good then sorry. I've had this idea for a while and thought I might as well write it down. It's been a while since I read Carry on, so if I get something wrong, that's why.)


Simon Snow, please report to the Mage's office immediately. The message blasted from the speakers several times before stopping, that meant it was urgent. I wish it wasn't. Especially not today of all days. Glancing at the empty bed just across from my own, I sigh and get up. This was the room I had lived in when I was a student here. None of the kids here now will stay in it (they think it's haunted) and it wasn't like I had anywhere else to stay while I was here. And I hadn't wanted to. Stay here, that is. This room holds so many painful memories that I've spent the last two years trying to block out.

I don't bother to check my appearence in the mirror before I go out. My hair always ends up a mess anyway and I was laying in my full uniform and there's nothing I can really do right now about the creases in it. It's different from the one we all had to wear at Watford, but it fits perfectly and I like it. Some things never change, I guess. The walk to the Mage's office is short, so I take my time; watching the students go to their next lessons as I walk. It gives me this great sense of nostalgia and De ja vu. Even though it wasn't that long ago since I went here, I still felt like I had been here in years. So much had changed since I had last been here, so much had happened...

Stop being an idiot, Snow. You know you don't really miss me, so don't pretend to. Baz appeared in my head like he always does when I'm thinking something I shouldn't be. Without him to yell at me and make fun of me out loud, I made a version of him to do it in my head. He was in there before everything happened, just now he was there more often. It wasn't that I missed him (there is no way on this planet that I miss Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch), it's more like there's this void where he's supposed to be and I have no idea how to fill it. He was my arch-nemesis. That's a pretty big void to fill. Sometimes I think that knowing what happened to him would make it was just so...shocking, I guess, for him to just vanish off the face of the earth.

I arrive at the Mage's office and knock, waiting to be invited in. He always tells me to just come in when I need to, but it feels weird to just walk into someone elses office.

"Come in." I do.


Perks of being a vampire: you're a predator. Natural instincts of being a predator: you can be silent when you need to be. That's why I haven't been spotted on the hills near where the goat-herd lives. Then again, I wouldn't call the Mage or any of his merry men very perceptive. They still haven't taken down any of the spells that allow me into the school. Perks of everyone thinking you're dead: they don't think to put their defenses up. Why would they? You, after all, are dead.

I don't know why I'm here.

Definitely not because of Simon fucking Snow. That would be stupid. Why would I do that? Why would I want him to miss me, or be upset that today is the anniversary of my supposed death? He's probably throwing a party to celebrate it tonight. Though I can't imagine Snow at a party, with his two left feet and social awkwardness. The answer to those questions is easy, though.

I want him to because I was inlove with him. I'm still inlove with him, after all this time.

I probably always will be.


"You wanted to see me, sir?" I walk into his office, closing the door behind me. This office used to belong to Baz's mum and is still filled with some of her things. It almost hurts to look at them. Quickly looking away, I put my attention onto the Mage. He looks like he always does, his normal uniform and sword by his side. Baz used to say he looked like Robin Hood in his uniform.

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