Chapter 5

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(A/N So, sorry for not updating for ages. I've been on holiday for the past week and couldn't update. Yes, this chapter is kinda short. But I promise the next one won't be. Thanks again for reading!)


"Penny?" I answer my phone as soon as I am sure I am completely alone in the alley. My voice sounds off; that's most likely from seeing Baz again.

"Simon," Penny sounds shaken up too, "we - theres something we need to tell you-" Penny is cut off by someone - Agatha - going not over the phone! There is continued muffled arguing sounds before Penny comes back on. "Where are you?"

"Still beside the bar. Has something happened?" I ask, panicing for a second. I'm pretty sure Agatha is the one arguing with her and neither of them sound hurt, no, more stressed than hurt.

"We found something. Listen Simon, we're not that far away. Stay outside the bar and we'll meet you there, OK?"

I nod then - after remembering she can't see me - say, "OK."

I hear Penny sigh. "See you in a minute Simon."


"What the hell was that?" I ask Agatha as soon as I end the call with Simon.

"What was what?" She asks back. "What was me stopping you from telling Simon something that might not be even be related to him, over the phone?"

I roll my eyes. "I wasn't going to tell him everything, just that we'd found something. And it doesn't matter if it does have something to do with Simon's Magic or not. What matters right now is what Fiona Pitch would want with a spell like that."

"I know. But," she takes in a shakey breath, "maybe it is better if we don't tell Simon about the spell."


"We can tell him about the book and all of that but, Penny, what if the spell is relevant to Simon? That someone really did use that spell to create the most powerful Mage?"

I stare at her like she's stupid and I think for a second that she has to be to want to keep something like this from Simon. "If it is true then we definently have to tell Simon. I mean, it probably is. Just look at the date in the book: 1996. That's around the time Simon must have been conceived."

Agatha fiddles with a strand of her hair. "That's exactly my point. He'll want to find this Davy person instead of focusing on Baz. We need to keep that as our top priority."

Shaking my head slowly, I say, "Sorry, Agatha, but I don't keep things from Simon. Especially not something this big."

She sighs, looking disappointed but not very surprised. "I shouldn't have expected any different. Fine. But we have to handle this carefully, you know what Simon can be like."

I nod and say, "Glad we agree on something, now lets go. Simon's waiting for us." We're starting to walk when my curiosity gets the better of me. "Agatha?"


"Why is it so important to you that we don't tell Simon about the spell?"

She's silent for a long moment and I think for a second that she isn't going to answer me, but she does, "I just want to get this over with, and telling Simon this is just gonna create another mystery we need to solve and I'm tired of this."

"Of what?"

She gestures around us. "This. Constantly getting tangeld up in all of Simon's messes, being a supporting character in the Simon Snow story; having to deal with the consequences of his choices."

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