Chapter 3

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Agatha broke up with me in our final year at Watford.

It had been something that, looking back now, should have happened in atleast our seventh year. I should have ended it as soon as we got back to Watford for our eighth year, after seeing her in the woods with Baz. Our relationship hadn't really been a real relationship for a long time, I guess. Sometimes it feels like I was more interested in arguing with Baz than I was making my realtionship with Agatha work. Then again, I am a terrible boyfriend. I just did what she told me to do for three years and what I thought she wanted, hoping that would be enough.

She broke up with me just before we were told Baz had died, and after that point I was to busy feeling empty to be upset that Agatha had broken up with me. She seemed upset about it too (she was probably hoping they would go out now that we were done). After she left for California, I thought I would never see her again. Now I'm going to have to work with her and lie to her about Baz. Everything about our relationship seems tainted with Baz. Our fights, the reason we broke up. Now I was going to have to hide the fact that I was going to meet up with him from her. Maybe he gave her the same offer. Would she want to help him? I mean, she did have a thing for him. It has been two years, it's highly unlikely she'll feel the same way (right?).

She will be coming to the school today so we can properly start our mission. I have to tell Penny about Baz before then, which isn't a very long time. I'm in my room waiting to see her now, we agreed to meet up at my room after breakfast, but she needs to take care of something and will meet me there once that's done. Hopefully that's soon, I really need her to know before we leave, after that it will be especially hard to get the time to tell her without Agatha over hearing.

I've decided that I will go and see Baz, how and when I will find him I don't know. Will he come to me and, like, show me how to find him? He didn't exactly give me instructions, he just said to find him. Easier said than done, Baz.

Shut up and trust me, Snow. I wouldn't have said that if I hadn't thought of a way to get to you. Imaginary Baz says. Lets hope he's right and Baz wasn't just messing with me. It wouldn't be beneath him to do something like that. I'm pacing back and forth in my room, considering this when Penny knocks.

"OK Simon, what's this all about then?" Penny says as she walks into the room.

"I wasn't completely honest with you earlier, when you asked if Baz talked to me about anything else." I say after closing the door. "He said I could..." Everyone says I'm bad with words, but the truth is I know what I want to say, it's just when it comes to actualy saying it I get stuck. This situation now is the same thing, only that I can't really believe what I'm about to say.

"Come on then Simon. This is no time to start blustering."

"Baz said I could come with him if I wanted to." I blurt it out. It's not what I had wanted to say, but it works, I guess. "I said no - that I can't - then he said that I should him, like on my own, and he'd explain stuff and convince me not to kill him." I'm rambling on and what I'm saying is not exactly right, but it still works.

Penny staring at me like I've gone mad. "'re considering talking to him?" She says it carefully and slowly, like I'm a child and that's the only way to get me to understand what she is saying.

"I am." I try to sound confident, and fail.

"Simon, you are aware that this is most likely a trap, aren't you?" She's still using that voice, like I'm a child.

"The thoughts crossed my mind once or twice." I say.

"So...why are you going to see him?" Penny is starting to sound more like herself, which means she's probably going to start yelling at me in a second.

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