Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Karla's face heated up as she recalled their passionate night. She pinched her nose bridge.

'It's not time to reminisce your one night stand memory Karla. You need to find a way out' she told herself.

Lethargically she dragged her feet across the room. Opening her closet, she tried to find the purse she used for the party. Inside she found a name card.

Christian Luzhkov.

Karla ran her hand through the name. After spending the night with him, Karla has never tried to contact him or the other way round. The morning they both woke up in a hot mess, Karla had made herself clear that what happened between them was just in the heat of the moment. It doesn't mean anything. Christian agreed with her and they both went their separate ways.

Christian did hand over his name card to her so she can claim compensation for her 'damaged dress' as he said. Although in reality, it is more like a ripped lifeless dress now. She even had to wait for Christian secretary to bring change clothes for her so she could leave the hotel. Karla decided to call it even. At least he got her new clothes.

Karla bit her lips. Hesitate whether to call Christian or not. But she knew she had no choice. Karla is not exactly in a situation to have a child nor does she want it.

She punched the number in the name card and held her breath.

"Hello?" a deep voice she hasn't heard for two months answered.

Karla exhaled and answered, "It's Karla. We need to talk."


Karla was thankful that Christian actually remembered her. It would be very embarrassing if he did not recognize her, whereas here she is. Ready to announce that she is pregnant with his child.

Karla is now at Christian office waiting room. She had informed his secretary, and she was asked to wait for a while as Christian still in a meeting.

"Ms. Karla you can enter Mr. Luzhkov office. He is on his way," the secretary says softly, leading Karla inside a big office. Karla sat on the sofa, while the secretary named Mia served her some tea.

"Thank you," Karla said.

Not long after Mia left the room, the door opened again. As Christian entered, Karla froze. He is as handsome as she remembers, but the aura he gives off is colder compared to when they were at the party.

Christian eyes fell on her, and they stared at each other for a couple of seconds. He cleared his throat and start the conversation, "Sorry to make you wait Ms. Karla. How can I help you?" he asked.

Karla starts fidgeting. Remembering the reason she's here now.

He sat on the sofa across her, waiting for her answer.

Not knowing how to make the information sound better, Karla just spurt out the words without thinking.

"I'm pregnant"

Hearing that, it is Christian turn to froze.


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