Wensday, August 10 (TO BE COUNTINUED)

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My stupid alarm clock went off. I was soooo...tired. I could feel eye boogers in sides of my eye's! GROSS! I never ever got eye boogers before, i was probably so tired from the past days (expecially yesterday). I Rushed in the bathroom. I could not believe this was happening! I washed my face over and over again. Probably about 16 times.

I then put globs of makeup on and put my hair extensions on..... Anyway i went downstairs and sat down at the table across from amanda. Oh makenzie said my parents. What? I said annoyed as i looked at my long nails. Well... They sat down. When my parents sit down that means they have something important to talk about.

Well honey... we..we. they looked at each other. COME ON TELL ME ALREADY. I said getting impatient. We signed you up for... SUMMER CAMP. The word summer camp kept ringing in my ears. Finally i spook up. WHAT!!!! WHY THE- $#%&*_ And words im not gonna write in this diary. Anyway lets continue. I HATE YOU MOM AND DAD! I said getting up from the table.

I grabbed my backpack and stomped ALL the way to school. Meanwhile in the hallway i saw brandon! I started to fix myself. I needed a bathroom. I looked in the mirror,OMG my hair extensions were slipping down. Luckily Brandon wasn't watching.

Once i was done fixing up myself i went outside and sashayed out toward brandon but fell on my butt. UGHHHHHH why can't i walk right! While i was on the the floor i saw nikki coming toward Brandon! OH NO SHE DOESN'T! I sprang in the air and slamed on the locker. OWWWWWWWW!!!!!! but i only said that in my head.

I fixed myself up limping toward Brandon. Heeyyy Brandon...! I said fakely. I looked behind me and saw nikki's face get all mad. HAHAHA! I got you know Brandon!!!!!! MWHAAAAAHAAAAA!!!!

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