Tuesday, August 9

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Today was the MOST embarrassing day EVER I was in french class when I could FEEL nikki staring at me with her beady eyes. Ummmmmmm.....nikki can you like stop staring at my back I know im BEAUTIFUL but you cant just stare at me ALL day. And then nikki started being all SMART to me.

Okay if you don't want to know that there's a bug on you then okay. WHAT! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! Okay okay calm down makenzie. She ran across the room and got a bag and scooped up the NASTY BUG. Then laughed happily to the window and put it outside. GRRRRRRRRRRRR! She thinks she's all that well guess what she has another thing coming for her.

BRING....! I rushed out of the classroom and ran to the cafe in heels trust me it's not easy. I was the first one there, and the first person to get to lunch get the best lunch. I ordered French fries and chilli with diet coke. I was walking to a table when I saw this group of people with a girl holding a phone. And there was a horrible sreeching coming out.

BUT IT WAS REALLY MEE! I ran to the bathroom and stayed in there like forever!:( But then eventually the teachers started to notice that I wasn't in ANY of my classes, so they called the office and got sent home early (AGAIN) Worst day of my life!

I hope ill have a better day tomorrow~ goodnight glam diaries

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