Chapter 17

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Wow.... He is really cute, I put my hand out and he shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you." He smiles. "You too." I stutter, "What brings you out on a run?" He questions. "Just trying to get away." I smile, I can't help but stare at his shirtless body. "Oh that's cool." He smiles.

I continue to stare at his abs, I look up and blush "You from around here?" I manage to say. He stares at me "No, just moved here yesterday you?" "Born and raised here. I go to Columbia High." I smile. "Really!" He perks up "I start there in a few days!" He smiles. I smile back "I got to go but I will be looking forward to seeing you again." I look into his eyes. "You too." He smiles back. I turn and head in the direction towards the house and start running. I didn't make it nearly as far as I wanted to but I think meeting Dylan let off a lot of anxiety.

I walk into the house "Dad I'm ho-" I see a girl sitting on our couch and she is looking at me. " are so big." She whispers and stares at. I stare at her and it clicks "M-Mom?" I stare at her and a million things pop into my head. I hate her she left me and my dad and they won't even tell me why.

"Why are you here." I spit. She glares at me "that's no way to talk to your mother." I looked at her shocked. I have a right to talk to her like this. SHE LEFT US, she made me and my dad drown in our sorrows for so long and one day she decides to POP back into my life."What were you expecting me to say, huh? Did you want to hear me say oh mom I missed you so much or everything's okay!" I scowl. "BECAUSE NOTHING IS OKAY!" I yell.

I start turning away and walking up to my room. My mom grabs my wrist and pulls me back so I face her. She grips tighter, I try to pull away, I hear the front door opening "HELP!" I scream. I hear quick footsteps coming my way.

Me struggling to get out of my moms reach she lets go of me and I fall onto the floor. I see my dad walking up to us. I am crawled into a ball onto the floor. My eyes puffy and red.

"GET OUT NOW!" I hear my dad yell. My mom looks down at me and back at my dad and walks out the door. I stay on the floor in a ball crying.
"Princess?" My dad whispers.
I sniffle and look and my dad who is now on the floor comforting me. "Did she hurt you?" He asks quietly. I nod my head my wrist hurts very badly, when I screamed she dug her nails into my skin. "Where? He whispered.

"M*sniffle* my *sniffle* wrist*sniffle*" he lifts up my wrist.  "OWW." I screech as he runs his finger over it. I looked at my wrist.  It is red, scratched up and bloody. "Sh,sh I know it hurts." He stands up and walks away. He comes back with the first aid kit and wraps my wrist. "Thanks dad." I whisper. "I'm just glad your okay." He smiles and looks into my eyes. "I'm making some pizza rolls want some?" He asks. "Please?" I plead. He nods his head and walks to the kitchen, I walk into the family room and sit on the couch and sigh.

I hear the oven go off and I look over to see my dad walking over with a plate full of pizza rolls. He sits next to me and puts the plate in between us. I smile at him and grab one and pop it into my mouth.

The door bell rings and I feel my dad start to sit up. I pull him back down. "I will get it." I smile at him. I walk over to the door and open it to see Julian waiting patiently. I am about to slam the door on his face but he puts his foot in before I can close it.

I just start to walk away in hope that he won't follow me. But I look back to see he took his shoes off and started following me. I look at my dad on the couch, i look at the plate and saw he left 3 pizza rolls on the plate. "Dad." I groan. "Sorry." He mumbles, I bring the plate and walk into the kitchen to eat the rest of the Pizza rolls. "Can we talk?" He asks quietly looking up at me. "What is there to talk about." I snap. "Us...." He stares at me and I ignore the stare.

"I don't want to talk about it right now I have a lot of crap on my shoulders." I grab one of the pizza rolls with my free hand and put the wrapped on one the counter. I feel his gaze move down to my hand. "What happened?" He question. "I don't want to talk about it." I groan. "Sam tell me." I look up at Julian and he is pleading. I groan "fine." He stares at me and gives me a look 'Go Ahead'. I sigh "My mom is what happened." I feel Julian reach over to me and pull me into an embrace. I start crying into his shirt, I love his cologne it smells so good. I miss him so much.

We walk up to my room and I sit on my bed, I feel next to me a lump going into my bed, meaning Julian was sitting right next to me. "Do you know why she came back?" He asked softly. I shake my head no and sigh I lay back onto my bed and I feel him lean back too and look over at me. He hugs me and I hug back, he puts his chin onto my head and says "Sam I really miss you." I want to say something back but I don't know if I can.

He is the one who messed this up for the both of us. "Please say something." He begs, he moves his chin from my head and takes his hand and moves it under my chin and forces my head off his chest. His thumb runs over my check and he smashes his lips into mine. I don't know if I should kiss back. It isn't the same anymore, he has a girlfriend..... I think. I let go of his lips "Dont you have a girlfriend?"

I ask quietly, I try to look away but he forces me to keep staring at him, he shakes his head no. "Not anymore." He smashes his lips into mine once again. This doesn't feel right something is off.


Hey! Sorry it took so so long to update my chapter, I have been busy with school and soccer.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter of How We Met!
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