A Child Changes Everything. [Cabin Fever]

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You were going crazy. Literally. Cabin fever had overtaken you by the end of one week at the cottage. Kelly bounced off the walls half the time, feeling just as restless as you did. 

“Mooooommmmyyyyy!” she whined from the kitchen where she spent the morning coloring.


“I want to go home now. Bobby Macey’s birthday party is coming up soon. You already said I could go.”

“We can’t Kelly.”

“Why?” She huffed, throwing her crayons down onto the table. You set down the plate you were washing and sat down next to her. 

“Because we need to wait.”

“For what?” 

“For Uncle Harry to tell us it’s okay to leave.”

“But why?!” She implored. You sank down in your chair, putting a hand to your head as a migraine started near your left temple. Draco stepped inside from smoking, the scent of his cigarette still lingering on his clothes as he bent down and kissed your forehead. You inhaled it and hated that you decided to quit. You were doing well, though; you hadn’t had a cigarette all week. Draco made sure to smoke away from you, but it didn’t make much of a difference when he smelled like it afterward. 

“Draco, please talk to your daughter.” You went back to the dishes and watched them out of the corner of your eye.

“I want to leave!” Kelly declared to him. 

“What? But you were so excited to be at the beach just a few days ago, remember?” Draco reminded her.

“Yes, but I’ve been to the beach. Now, I want to go home.”

She wasn’t letting up. She sat up straight, staring Draco dead in the eye, her coloring long since forgotten. Draco sensed her need to be heard and treated like she had a say in the matter. He knelt down next to her. 

“Kelly, do you remember those horrible men at the hotel that hurt Mommy?” Draco asked, matching her seriousness. 

“Yes. The scary men.” 

Hearing your daughter speak about Thomas Ellington and the incident in the parking garage, you stopped scrubbing altogether. You stood at the sink, listening intently to the conversation taking place.

“They hurt Mommy really bad. And they could have hurt you and me.” Draco said quietly. Kelly nodded that she understood. “Well, they are still out there. And Uncle Harry and his friends are working very hard to find him and keep us safe. That’s why we are here. But if you want to leave this badly, then I suppose we could leave.”

“No…” Kelly said hurriedly, glancing urgently in your direction. “No. We can stay.” 

“Are you sure? It’s up to you. We can leave right now—“

“I said we stay!” She ordered. Draco held up his hands, nodding in agreement with what she thought was her decision. She got up and marched out of the room, her half colored drawing crumpled in her hand. 

“Well done.” You whispered. He came around the table and hugged you from behind, kissing your neck.

“I’m used to dealing with stubborn women.”

“Hey!” you elbowed him playfully. He took your left hand, admiring the ring on your finger for a moment before resting his chin in the crook of your neck. 

“Uncle Harry’s here!” 

A moment later, a knock came to the door. But Kelly had already rushed to it and flung it open. She was greeted with what she was hoping for. Candy.

“Harry! Didn’t expect you this early.” You gave him a hug at the door. 

“I did!” Kelly smiled up at him knowingly.

“Well, aren’t you the gifted little seer!” Harry laughed. 

“Yeah.” She said nonchalantly, then left the three of you for the bedroom to eat her candy.

“Unbelievable. She’s gonna be a nightmare as a teenager.” Harry pointed out. You grimaced, not wanting to even think about it. 

“So, any good news?” Draco asked, obviously eager to steer the conversation away from their little girl’s future angst filled teenage years as well.

“Well, it depends on how you look at it.” He began, and your stomach sank. This didn’t sound like good news at all. “I can move you guys out of here tonight. But the only other place available is Sirius’ house and that’s not a pleasant stay, let me tell you.” 

“It’s fine. Whatever is easiest for you.” You agreed, wanting to skip all that and get to the news you were dying to hear.

“The second bit of news, then. It didn’t take much investigating to find out information on this Thomas Ellington.” He pulled out a folded up newspaper clipping and held it out to you. You recognized him instantly in the picture, standing alongside a much older woman that shared some of his features at a court hearing.

“That’s him.” You confirmed. Draco looked over your shoulder at the photo. 

“His family has been somewhat prominent in the community of Hampshire. They owned companies and real estate. They were also well-known supporters of Lord Voldemort. His father had enough evidence against him to be put away in Azkaban for life, and his mother was killed in the war. He got off on claims of being forced into it all, but I think it’s safe to say that’s a big fat lie now.”

“Do you have him, then?” 

“No.” Harry sighed, plopping onto a chair. You grabbed him a drink from the fridge, and he gulped it appreciatively. “His homes been deserted for over a year. I checked into any local businesses that his family was involved in, but they were all auctioned off after his father was arrested. They lost everything. I reckon he’s trying to get it all back, as well as get revenge on everyone that contributed to his family’s downfall.”

“The Ministry.” Draco stood in the corner, arms crossed, brow furrowed in worry. “I remember now… He came to Malfoy Manor for a meeting one time. I recognize him. He was bloody psycho.” 

Draco’s words nearly sent you into a panic. There was a psycho out there after Kelly and Harry had no leads on where he was. You felt your chest tighten and started your breathing exercises. Harry reacted immediately, having been around during many of your emotional meltdowns.

“We can catch him, Kris. We are so close. Trust me.” Harry said, taking your hand in his. He hugged you and you calmed down considerably. You felt his fingers graze your engagement ring. You tried to tug it away discreetly, but it was too late. When he saw Draco’s ring back on your finger, his face fell. You sat frozen in that moment with Harry’s eyes locked on yours, dread filling your body. You meant to tell him, but he hadn’t been around all week, and you felt like it wasn’t right to tell him the day it happened with Ron and Hermione visiting. It was something you had to do alone. You now wish you had told him then, because discovering the engagement with no word from you felt wrong. You might as well have slapped him in his face. You heard an uncomfortable ‘ahem’ from where Draco stood and Harry dropped your hands immediately. You gave an apologetic look Draco’s way. You knew you made him jealous, even though he played it off cool. 

“Thanks, Harry.”

“Yeah. Sure. Anyway, we are moving you tonight. So you best start getting ready.” He stood slowly, giving you the most hurtful look he had ever given you. He muttered something about finding Kelly and escaped into the living room. Your migraine had traveled to your other temple. You rubbed them with your fingers, wanting desperately to take back that moment in time. 

“It’s fine. He will be fine.” Draco said, rubbing your back.

“Will he?” you asked, not so sure anymore. 

“Of course he will. He’s Harry Potter.”

A Child Changes Everything. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now