A Child Changes Everything. [The Tunnel]

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Low voices murmured just around the corner, and you let your wand light extinguish, plunging you into darkness. Creeping forward, you took care to step as carefully as you could without being able to see the ground beneath you. Your tow knocked something metal, and you held your breath at the quiet, but still extremely audible, clank the unknown object made. The voices stopped immediately, listening for you.

“Who’s there?!” 

Your heart fluttered at the sound of the voice, almost bursting with joy, and you flung yourself around the corner to see not only Harry, but Draco as well.

“Kris!” Draco looked close to tears as you came to his side, your hands shaking as you grasped at the snake that shackled him where he sat. But his freedom seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind in that moment. If he could have taken you up in his arms, you were sure he would have. He leaned forward and kissed you, and the warmth of his lips spread to yours, and then spread further all the way to your toes. He brought you back to life after days of being trapped, feeling it all fade away. With that one kiss, you were sure that it wasn’t over. Not yet. 

“Kris, you need to get us out of here. Where’s Kelly?” Harry urged. 

“I-I I don’t know. She’s here! I think. They kept her from me.” You stuttered, your hands still fumbling with the charm. You picked up the wand and pointed, but your shaking fingers stopped you. You looked up to Draco, unsure.

“Just do it.” He coaxed, then faced his head away, bracing himself. You pointed the wand, trying desperately to hold it steady. Breathe, you thought. You exhaled deeply, letting your mind clear, and then—


“GAHHHH!” Draco cried out in pain. The snake split in half, both sides of it engulfed in a red flame until it fizzled out, disappearing completely. The skin around his wrists pulsed, red and raw from the burn. But he was free, and the burn was only minor. He shook his hands out, relieved, and finally he could put his arms around you again.

“A little help?” Harry asked.

“I’m sorry Harry.” You hastily met him, performing the same task and wincing at the pain on Harry’s face as the snake burned his flesh. 

“No…” he said, standing up and rubbing one of his wrists. Then he looked up at you with sad eyes. “No, Kris. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry that I led them to you.”

“You didn’t mean to, Harry. I don’t blame you!” 

“I blame myself. And Draco blames me.” 

“He does not!” you said, looking to him for back up. Draco stood next to you, but he didn’t say a word. He just shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Draco?” you asked. He shook his head once, a signal that this wasn’t the time. Before you could insist that he help you put Harry’s mind at ease, a loud bang sounded from up the stairs, followed by a cascade of light. The door was open. Draco grasped the wand, taking it from you and moving in front of you protectively. Thundering footsteps sounded and then Charlie was the first person at the bottom of the steps. 

“EXPELLIARMUS!” Draco shouted immediately, on high alert. Her wand flew up and away from her before she even lifted it. She gasped in surprise, but looked unthreatened as five men barreled into the tiny dungeon and surrounded them. Draco pointed his wand at each of them, rapidly switching off and trying to keep his eye on each one but it was impossible. You clutched the back of his shirt in terror, looking for a way out. Harry seemed to be doing the same, but the guards were already closing in on them.

“Time’s up, Kris.” Charlie whispered, and you saw the extreme pleasure she was experiencing just imagining your demise. Your body locked up in fear. Your eyes darted to where you had rushed to help Draco, and there on the ground was the dagger. You stared at it, urging hard, harder than you ever urged for anything before, for it to move. It flopped over. Your breathing quickened as the seconds slowly dragged by. The tip of the dagger lifted upward and it lazily stood upright. You felt the anger course through your body, and in that one moment it sat up at attention, then shot up like a rocket. But it didn’t come to you, or Harry, or even Draco. It shot upward, then lodged its sharp bladed into the nearest man’s thick throat. You gasped, covering your mouth at seeing the blood pour out. The man grasped at the side of his neck, his feet moving as if not under his own control. He fell toward Charlie, who jumped out of the way and allowed him to tackle down another guard. He fell, his wand leaving his hand and sliding toward Harry. And from there, it all went to hell. 

A Child Changes Everything. (A Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now