Chapter Eighty

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Oh my god guuuuyyyyyyssssssss
After this one, there will be only two chapters left!!!! I can't even believe it's soon going to be over oh my god you guys gave me so much just by reading this seriously I love all of you my perfect readers

Okay now I'm going to calm down now bye enjoy

Oh and small warning, I don't know if you'll mind it but just in case, there's going to be a small part about mutilation, so just in case you're sensible, you have been warned

Alianna's point of view

"All that isn't worth it, if you're not the one I'm sharing my life with," I whispered.

His reaction was immediate. It was something to be felt, it seemed like the entire island brightened; the stars, the moon, the grass, the flowers... The shadows between the trees didn't look scary anymore, just intriguingly mysterious like in a fairy tale, as if they were hiding treasures and beauty.

His smile widened, his expression was one of pure, unfiltered happiness. I was admiring how his oak green eyes were brightening when I realized they literally were getting lighter and lighter, until they turned an entirely other color. I was struck breathless by the beauty of his face. He'd always looked gorgeous, but with eyes of this color, he looked like an angel descended from heaven.

"Peter," I breathed.


"Your eyes..."

"What about them?"

"They- they changed color."

He smiled. "They changed because I'm happy like I've never been before."

I smiled back and hugged him tight against me, he hugged me back even tighter, one of the best feelings of the world. "How could you ever believe that I would leave you? After all that we've done?" I mumbled against his shoulder.

He stroked my hair gently. "I know, I know... I'm just used to-" he didn't finish his sentence but I knew what he'd meant.

"Used to being abandoned?" I supplied softly.

He nodded mutely. We stayed in each other's arms for a long time, neither one wanting to let go of the other.

"But do tell me," he said after a long moment of silence, "what color were my eyes? When I was happy I mean."

At that I pulled away. "You mean you don't know what color your eyes take when you're happy?"

He shook his head, not meeting my eyes.

"You've never been happy enough before," I realized in a horrified whisper. He still didn't look at me, instead he studied the lake reflecting almost perfectly the night sky. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I breathed.

I took one of his hands in mine and with the other I put it on his cheek and made him look at me. At first he resisted but finally he let me turn his face and he met my gaze. His eyes had turned back to their usual gorgeous shade of emerald.

"Golden," I told him with a smile. "Your eyes turn golden."

He smiled slightly but almost immediately his eyes became serious again. "We need to talk about what you said before. About leaving Neverland."

The Monster Inside Peter Pan (ouat)//(Robbie Kay)Where stories live. Discover now