~Light in the hallway~

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Close your eyes lay your head down,
Now it's time to sleep,
May you find great adventure,
As you lie and dream

John held his breath as he raised his hand to the knocker, his hands shaking. He and Sherlock had argued a few weeks ago, over something stupid, John couldn't even remember the particulars. Something to do with corpses in the house, he thought. Or was it that he was playing the violin at all hours? Or had he deduced John's new girlfriend cruelly? John couldn't remember. All he knew was that, even though those things pissed him off when they were happening, he couldn't remain sane without them. He had been sleeping on his girlfriend's couch, but she kicked him out when he had put a packet of blood in the freezer. Now, John just wanted to see the scrawny twig again. He knocked.
No answer.
Still nothing. "You lazy sod." John muttered, his irritation coming back. "I'm Sherlock Holmes, and I don't need friends. I don't have friends. I only need my mind place and my freaking skull!" John had managed to keep his voice down for most of his little rant, but he couldn't stand the skull. For some reason, John found himself being jerked back into the past.
Are you jealous?
We're not a couple.
Yes you are.
I have a date.
It's when two people who like each other go out and have fun.
That's what I was suggesting.
Are you wearing pants?
That was amazing.
Do you really think so?
Of course it was. It was extraordinary. Quite extraordinary.
"Sherlock, open the door, you idiot." John muttered, rapping the knocker again. Footsteps. John breathed a sigh of relief, but tensed again when the door opened to reveal Mrs.Hudson.

If you're scared of the darkness, I will calm your fear,
There's a light in the hallway,
So you know I'm here.

"Mrs.Hudson, is Sherlock in?" John jerked forwards to comfort her as she gave a choked sob. "What's wrong? Mrs.Hudson? Can I help?"
"You can't. You can't help, John. I'm sorry, I really am! I told him to eat! I told him he had to sleep! I told him he was human, but he wouldn't listen! I'm sorry, John." John tensed.
"Sherlock? Is he alright?"
Mrs Hudson looked away, drawing a breath in response. John sighed, and started to breath heavily.
"The bastard." He groaned. "Where is he?"
"St.Bart's Hospital."
John ran to the side of the road, more anxious than he had ever been on any case. "Taxi!" John practically tore into the cab, shouting at the cabbie to drive him to the hospital. He was so distracted, he didn't hear his phone chiming. The little light form the phone gave a small bit of light, a small bit of hope in the imminent darkness of the cab, of John's dire situation. The cab stopped, John threw the money at the driver and pelted in. The receptionist told him to take a seat and wait until Sherlock was ready to see him. "I'm sorry, ready?" John was getting impatient, the anxiety intolerable.
"He's not in the most stable condition, Sir."

So count your blessings everyday.
It makes the monsters go away.
And everything will be okay.

John sat down in a daze, allowing his mind to throw itself back again, the only thing he seemed able to do without wanting to throttle Sherlock for making him go through this pain, again.
Just met a friend of yours.
An enemy.
Oh. Which one?
Well, your arch-enemy, according to him. Do people have arch-enemies?
Did he offer you money to spy on me?
Did you take it?
Pity, we could've split the fee. Think it through next time.
Well, that was tedious.
You went in the tube like that?
None of the cabs would take me.
My hostage!
Hostage! Yes, that works.
Punch you?
Yes, punch me in the face, didn't you hear me?
I always hear 'punch me in the face' when you're speaking.
You're doing a 'we both know what's really going on here' face.
Well, we do.
No, I don't. Which is why I find the face so annoying.
You took your time.
Yeah... I didn't get the shopping.
What? Why not?
Because I had a row in the shop with the chip and pin machine.
You-you had a row with a machine?
Sort of, it sat there and I shouted abuse.

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