Teenlock!In the Library

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A tall, thin figure flitting in an out of John's view among the bookshelves, a long jacket billowing around corners and brief shows of a thin face. John went back to looking for the book he needed to study, one on the digestive system... The tall boy sat in a chair, pressing his fingers together under his own chin and lifting his hear slightly. John found it more than a little distracting. Now he had a clear view of his face, John found himself staring. His face was perfect. Pale, cheekbones that could cut right though John's hand, Cupid-bow lips and curly ebony locks, John was most defiantly... "Straight. I am, straight." John muttered to himself and went back to searching for the book.
It wasn't until three hours later, when the mysterious boy moved, that John realised he had been staring for the past half-an-hour, intending to ask him to get the book down, as he seemed much taller. John jerked back to reality and walked over. "Um, excuse me, sorry?"
The boy didn't answer. When John moved closer to ask again, he could hear the slender teen muttering to himself. "Glen Fray, Don Henely, Berinie Leadon, Randy Meisner... No... They came from flying far away and now I'm under their spell, nonono... Perhaps a translation? Orel? Arend, águilla, kotka, iolar, aetos, chim urung, wait! Aetos... Aetious! Yes!" He sprung up from his chair and finally noticed John. John felt his face burning as the boy's ever-changing eyes looked over him. The boy scoffed. "Excuse me, out of my way."
"I was wondering if you could get something for me..."
The boy looked at John, then up at the shelves, back at John and smirked. "I'll fetch it."
"But you don't know what it-"
"It's The Digestive System by Christine Taylor-Butler. It's on the highest shelf from the sixth aisle. I'll fetch it."
"How did you...?" The boy, however, had gone to fetch the said book before John could finish his question. When the boy stretched to reach for the novel, John noticed his purple shirt shift a bit, exposing a bit of skin. He blushed harder and looked away, seriously reconsidering becoming homosexual...
"Here." The boy thrust the book into John's chest, snapping John back to reality.
"Sorry!" John squeaked, as the boy returned to leave. Said boy whipped around to face John. "I never got to introduce myself, I'm John Watson!"
The boy smirked, took my hand in his and shook it. "Holmes. Sherlock Holmes." He popped his collar, turned in heel and strode off out of the library, down the corridor, out of sight.
John sighed. "Might as well get some study done..."

Time skip

John stretched, yawned and glanced at the clock. Nine p.m?! "Crud." He started shoving his copies into his backpack and slotting various books on the corresponding shelves.  What was supposed to be John's light reading had swiftly turned into a strong study session in the hopes of Sherlock coming back. As John looked up at the shelf, he pondered upon different methods to get The Digestive System back on its high shelf. After a quick glance around, John spotted a ladder and dragged it over, propping it up against the shelving unit. He clambered up the ladder and balanced precariously on the top rung, quickly shoved the book back in its position. John wobbled and stumbled down the ladder, but landed on top of someone. When John looked, he was after falling into Sherlock's arms, his mouth brushing off Sherlock's. John quickly pulled away, but bumped into the rack full of books. Sherlock smiled.
"Thought so." Sherlock smirked.
"Thought what?" Asked a very red-faced John.
"That you liked me."
John looked away, "it was an accident, look, I'm sorry-"
"Don't be." Sherlock had his arms quickly wrapped around the smaller, jumper-clad student. "Because I won't be." He pressed his lips to John's, lingering for a few seconds then pulling back, smiling.

(A/N) Short, poorly written and a bad storyline, I'm sorry. But, you can help by:

Leaving your request on the otter:

Leaving your request on the otter:

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And your opinion on the hedgehog:

And your opinion on the hedgehog:

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