Sherlock opened the door to his dorm, stepping to the side to let John in. "Hello." He muttered, giving John a soft peck in the lips as he closed the door. "How was Maths?" John playfully scowled at him. "I'm sure you were better off in here, sick." "But I have a cold, John." "Oh do you really?" Sherlock nodded violently, trying to convince John he hadn't bunked off and really was sick. John took a lot of convincing, so much that he actually made Sherlock sit still while he gave Sherlock an examination, like the ones he had been learning to do. "Nothing you won't get over by tomorrow." He kissed Sherlock gently. "I know, I'm tougher than a few bugs." Sherlock grinned, pulling back. "Can I move now?" John smiled. "I'm your doctor, and what I say goes. Go get into your pyjamas and meet me back here in," he checked his watch. "ten minutes. Go." John left he dorm and went to his own, picking out a heap of Disney Classics. They were relaxing, John knew a lot of people who found it helped distract themselves. He grabbed the duvet from his bed, his laptop and a few cushions. Half-running back to Sherlock's room, he was already planning how to arrange the pillows to make a den. ... "...really John?" "If you don't want to look at it like a pillow fort, pretend it's a homemade cinema. Either way, hurry up and get in, Bambi is starting." Sherlock sighed and rolled his eyes, but got in anyway. He lay back against the couch, the back wall of the fort/cinema and pulled out his phone. John was slightly annoyed, but he didn't let on. Sherlock noticed John was getting a bit tears-eyed when Bambi was lost without his mother, so he wrapped an arm around him, putting the phone away. John snuggled (i don't care if it's not a word you use I think it's a cute word and sounds like what is it) closer to the slim boy. Once Bambi hand ended, Sherlock went to move, but John forced him to sit back down. "No way. You're sick, you get a movie marathon. And tea. Stay here until I get you some tea." John ignored Sherlock protesting about the fact Disney was for children, but was completely shocked when he came back to find Sherlock had started Alice in Wonderland. He smiled and crawled in, leaving the tea beside the tray of biscuits and other random junk while he curled back into Sherlock. "Not a word." Growled Sherlock, referring to the fact he was actually enjoying this. "I wasn't going to say anything." John answered, holding Sherlock's hand. The night flew by, after Alice in Wonderland, the couple watched The Little Mermaid, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Aristocats, Oliver, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella. Half-way through Sleeping Beauty, Sherlock felt John snoring softly, fast asleep. He left the DVD play, but lay his head back a little, closing his eyes. He was under the daze one goes into just before one falls asleep when his phone gave a short *ding*. Sherlock opened one eye and glanced at John. Thankfully, he hadn't moved. Sherlock lazily picked up the phone, unlocking it with one hand. Case. Six dead, ten more missing. Last victim left a code. -MH Sherlock looked down at John, who was sleeping peacefully. He gently pressed his lips to John's head, sending one text back to Mycroft before turning off his phone. Piss off. -SH.
(A/N) Short, crappy and cheesy. But do I care? Nope. Please request, I'll give you full credit. I'd also appreciate it if you could tell me what made this piece so bad, so: Request on the otter:
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Opinion on the hedgehog:
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