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Becca's POV

   I walked out of the cabin, and off into the woods. All I could see was trees. No matter where I looked. It was like a prison. Green and brown for miles. I had no idea where I was, I could be in another state for all I know! I didn't exactly trust Harry after what happened at my house. He hurt me, bad. I ran my fingers over my stomach, flinching and wincing in pain. I didn't dare look at the bruising. I wasn't in the mood for crying right now. I had just left everything behind, de ja vu much. Its like what happened in Ireland all over again. Packing up our bags and leaving in the middle of the night. Not knowing where I was about to go and having to trust my father. 

    I heard rustling and talking from behind me. I looked back and saw no-one there.

    'Becca?' Harry said.


'I made you some food.'

'Ok.' I walked back into the cabin and sat down at the table. Harry placed a sandwich in front of me. 

'Its nutella.' He said. I nodded my head and took a bite. My eyes darted from corner to corner, trying not to look at Harry. Things were more than awkward between us. Light conversation and just nodding heads was all that really happened. 

    'Look Becca, I just wanted to say sorry. I just I don't know what made me hit you-'

'You think thats why I'm kind of off with you?' I questioned, raising my voice slightly. 

'Well, yeah, I know-'

'No, no you don't know. Harry I'm angry because you've made me just pack my bags and leave, everything behind. My dad, my house, my friends. You didn't even give me a fucking choice for Gods sake! Yes you hit me, and I'm still in a lot of pain and still really pissed off, not only at you, but at me too. Because I didn't hit you back or scream or just stand up for myself. I don't fucking need this and I certainly don't need you.' I got up from my chair and ran out the front door. Slamming it behind me, very, very, hard. I ran as fast as I could and as far away as possible. 

    My hair got in my face slightly but I ignored it and ran faster than I ever had. I managed to get up to the end of the woods. An old abandoned carnival was just in front of me. I looked behind and thought I heard Harry shouting at me, so I started running again. All the way through the carnival. I got near the Helter Skelter and hid inside. I heard footsteps pass me and sighed. I looked up and saw the stairs. They were old and rusty. The red and white striped drapes protected me from wherever Harry was. I poked my  head out and checked left and right to see if I could see anyone. When I saw nobody I began running again, out of the carnival fully. Another woods was on the right of me, and a road on the left. 

    I ran left. Hoping that a car would drive past and would see me, and possibly help me. I ran and ran, not planning on stopping. I got up to a sign and ran so I could see the front. We were two maybe even three towns away from home. I just started walking again and held my thumb up so I could catch a ride. 

    'Need a lift?' A guy said in a black Audi R8. I nodded my head. 'Get in. Where you off to anyway?' 

'As far away from here as possible.' I said as I got in the car. I strapped myself in and we headed off. They guy driving was pretty young, and really hot. He had brown hair and blue eyes. It was messy but suited him. His skin was golden, and his clothes clung to his body tightly.

    'I'm Chase.'


'Nice to meet you Becca. So, gonna tell me why you were all alone and running?'

'Well, I, erm, I was running away from someone.'

'Was this someone trying to hurt you?' I nodded my head. 'Boy or girl?'


'Has he hurt you before?' 

'Yeah, he hurt me yesterday I think.' 

'Is he your boyfriend?'

'No, his twin brother used to be but he dumped me.'

'Well, I'm glad I found you when I did, Becca. Hungry?'

'Yeah, but I don't have any mon-'

'I'll pay, you've had a hard time lately, get some food in you and then you can come to my house and stay for a while. How does that sound?' 

'Thank you so much, for everything.'

'Its my pleasure. Now, how about a diner that does amazing hamburgers sound?'

'Sounds great.' I smiled at Chase. He was being really nice to me. It wasn't too long untill we pulled up at an old diner and went inside. I ordered a chocolate milkshake and hamburger. Chase got a hamburger and a large Coke. He payed and we began driving again. We didn't talk to much but it was a comfortable silence, not awkward at all. 

    'We're here.' Chase said, I smiled at him and got out. He lead me into the tall building and over to the elevator. I pressed the button for it to come and waited. When it came we both got in and Chase pressed the top floor button. 

    'How old are you?' I asked as we got to the top floor and out of the elevator. 

'22.' Chase said and opened the door. 'The last door on the left upstairs is the guest bedroom. You can sleep in there.'

'Thank you.'

'What about you? How old are you?'

'17.' I said shyly. I looked around, white chairs, massive TV, a big mirror, a long wooden table with 12 wooden chairs with white cushions, spotlight lights, a plant like tree, wooden floors, a big window at the end of the table, outside on the balcony lied a pool. 'This place is amazing.' Up the wooden stairs had four doors. The penthouse must have cost so much more than my house back with my dad.

    'Yeah, I guess.' Chase shrugged. 'You've got no clothes with you so, you can use some of my sisters. She doesn't ever come round and you seem about the same size and age. I'll just go grab them.' He smiled and ran up the stairs to the last door on the left. I sat down on one of the chairs and turned on the TV. I was safer here, safe from Edward, from Harry, from everyone really. 

    Chase came back with a grey top and boxers. 

'I couldn't find any bed clothes so you can borrow mine.' He stood in front of me and handed them to me. I stood up and smiled. 

'Thank you so much, for the food, the drive, clothes, letting me stay with you, I promise, I'll be here only-'

'Stay as long as you need to. I could do with some company.'

'Again, thank you, but I don't want to be a burden.'

'Trust me Becca, you're not. Its getting late, you should get some sleep.' Chase then hugged me, his body was warm and so much bigger than mine. I wrapped one arm around him, because the other had my clothes for the night. 

    'I'll see you in the morning.' I whispered and let go. He smiled and nodded his head. I walked up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door and slid down, pulling my knee's up to my chest and my head in my hands. I took a few deep breathes before getting up and getting changed. I climbed into the bed and as soon as my head hit the big fluffy pillow I was sound asleep and my thoughts lied in dreamland. 











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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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