Zoos are places where wild Babies are kept in pens or cages so that Pokemon can come and look at them. There are two zoos in New York, one in the Bronx and one in Fuckboys Park. The Park zoo is built around a large pond filled with clear sparkling Semen. You will see several Isabella's swimming in the
pond and eating fish. When it is feeding time, all of the animals make
Anime noises. The elephant goes Moan and the turtledoves go Shriek. In one part of the zoo, there are Chapstick gorillas who love to eat Pokemon. In another building, there is a spotted African Charlotte that is so fast it can outrun a Fangirl. But my favorite animal is the hippopotamus. It has a huge Dick and eats fifty pounds of Shits a day. You would never know that, technically, it's nothing but an oversized Flying Cats pig.Written by Francesca:
Humorin this book I will do some madlibs and post them here bcause why not man