Valentine's Day-Part 4

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Zane (POV)

We were walking down to the feist in a awkward silence. Y/N looked so beautiful with that dress. I looked at her and she have me a beautiful smile. That smile was one that melted my cold heart into lava. I just stated at her until she started to wave her hand in front of my face. "Um..Earth to Zane..?" I snapped out of the thought and kept walking we finally made it. There was Aphmau and Laurence sitting at the table. But no sign of father get. Y/N and I took out seats. All four of us sat in a very awkward silence.

Your (POV)

I could not just sit here so I finally spoke up. "So are you the Lord of Phoenix Drop..?" I tried to say while bowing. "Yes I am and please call me Aphmau..You are very polite compared to you boyfriend over here.." I started to turn bright red when Zane spoke up. "She is not my girlfriend.." and then he mumbled something under his breath that I did not quite catch. I looked down when I heard the guard of Phoenix drop speaking to me. "Well then so you are single.. Isn't it my lucky day for such a beauty to be right in front of me..maybe you and I should get together sometime.." Aphmau palmed her face and then I looked over to Zane. His fist were in a ball and he was giving Laurence a daggering stare. "Will you please excuse me.." I stood up from the table and walked out to the gardens.

Laurence (POV)

I was only being flirty so that I get on Y/N's good side. Even though she was very beautiful I needed answers so I followed her. I was looking through the gardens when I heard singing. I then saw Y/N fiddling with a F/C flower and singing so I his behind a tree and stayed silent.

Safe and Sound:
I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I will never let you go. When all thoughts Shadows almost killed your light. I remember you said don't leave me here alone. When all that is dead and gone have passed tonight.

Just close you eye's the Sun is going down. You'll be alright no one can hurt you now. Come morning light you and I will be safe and sound.

Don't you dare look out your window. Darling every things on fire. The world outside our door keeps raging on. Just hold on to this lullaby. Even when the music gone..gone..

(Song ends)

It was beautiful, but I could not think about it. I went up behind her and pinned her against a tree. She looked scared and shock. I kept her pinned with each hand on each side of her. Our faces were only centimeters apart. I then whispered "Why are you with Zane..?" She looked down and remand silent "WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM!?!" I said loudly, but not to loud where any one can hear me. She whimpers in pain as I grip her wrist tighter than before. " are hurting me.." She kept whimpering like a wounded puppy. I felt terrible, but I did something that would make me feel more guilty. I grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed her side. She screamed in pain. Then I ran back to the hall acting like nothing happend. The waiter told us the king had to go on a urgent meeting that will take about a week. I told Aphmau about what I did. She gasped and slapped me. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER!?!?" I then picked Aphmau up wedding style and ran out of the kingdom hoping I did the right thing.

Zane (POV)

I saw Laurence run out with Aphmau..why would they..OMI..Y/N!!
I ran towards the direction she was at and came to a stop. She was leaning on a tree wincing in pain while holding her side. "Y/N..What have they done to you!?!?" "It is ok Zane..I am fine.." She started to walk,but collapsed. I tried to see where they hurt her when I found the spot. It was her side and covered with pools of blood. "Zane..?" "Yes Y/N" She lifted my chin up and kissed me. I felt as though time has stopped. Our lips broke apart and she fainted from the bleeding. "HELP!! ANYONE!?!" A couple of servants came and took her away. I then for the first time felt hot tears streaming down my face.

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