Valentine's Day-Part 5

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Your (POV)
I was running through the village. It was being attacked. I turned the corner to see my best friend Trellis fighting off a shadow knight. I aimed my bow ready and shoot it missed the shadow knight. I turned to see Trellis having a sword through his stomach
"TRELLIS!!" He turned his head eye's full of tears and a sword still in his stomach. He looked at me and smiled while mouthing theses three words "" I fell to the ground sobbing while the village I sworn to protect burned to the ground.

XxDream EndsxX

I woke up sobbing into my pillow and then turned to see my side bandaged up. I kept on crying until Zane walked in and sat at my bedside. "Shh..It is just a dream. Looked up at him smiling brightly. "How is that wound..?" He pointed to me bandaged side. "It is fine.." "I will take my leave then" "Zane wait.." He turned his head towards me in curiosity "C-Can you stay with me until I fall asleep.." He blushed slightly and replied
"Of course.." He went over to my bed side. He laid down and wrapped me in his arms. "Zane..Are You going to leave me..?" He chuckled "Never.."

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