Sense Of Reality

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I juggled my phone in my hands, the screen glinting in the sun. I bit my lip, shaking my head in a fruitless attempt to get my hair out of my face. Annoyed by how it continued to fall forward, I raised a bracelet-covered arm and tucked it behind my ear. I unlocked my phone, quickly typing in my password and selecting the contacts app before I lost my nerve. I scrolled down to the once-familiar name, opening the profile and hitting call. I raised the phone to my ear, jutting out my hip and tapping a foot nervously on the ground.

'Hello?' A surprised voice said, as though not really believing I was calling. I stayed quiet for a few seconds, fumbling for the words before ripping the phone away from my ear, my heart hammering and my mouth dry. I hung up and walked forward, in the direction of my house.

School was over for me. I had taken my last few finals last week and was waiting for my university applications to come back, and for my scores too. I had changed a lot since the start of the year. I had cut a side fringe into my hair and had coloured the underside of it a pink colour. It was mostly hidden by the top layer though, only showing when I wore my hair up. I had gotten a small tattoo as a finishing high school reward for myself. It was on my left thigh, at the very top, and was going to be a first part to a second tattoo, which would be done in the future. It was a small reminder of Jay, the word first, decorated by vines, with a blade running through the middle of it. 

I now had a job, which I was returning from now. It was just at the local supermarket, and I was a checkout chick. It didn't pay very well, but at least it was something now that my mother was asking for rent. 

I scuffed my foot along the pavement, opening my bag again and recalling. I hadn't spoken to anyone in a month. Alan had disappeared as soon as his finals were gone; apparently he had applied earlier for a college and had been accepted a few days after he had sent in his most crucial scores. He was there now, according to the rumour mill, scoping out the place. As for Jessica, I was trying to catch up with her now. I know it was a half-ass attempt to save our dead friendship, but what my mother had said to me a few days ago had really struck a nerve, and I was now determined to try and hang onto what little bond we shared for her sake. 

'Hello?' Jessica said irritably, she would have worked out that I had called her beforehand. 

'Hey, Jess-' I said quietly. She cut me off, yelling,

'No! You don't get to do this!' She broke off and I heard a muffled noise over the receiver. 'You don't get to have your heart broken, then not talk to me for months! I was there for you. I was fucking there for you, Diana. Through everything. I thought you would at least trust me enough not to go and yap at the popular kids about everything. Why didn't you let me in? I was your friend!' Jessica's rant seemed to have finally slowed to a stop. She started crying; I could hear her barely audible sobs from over the line. I started running, trying to hold my breath so that she didn't know that my speed had increased - or that I was even walking. She was muttering now, dark words under her breath that I should probably be glad I didn't hear. A few seconds later, I heard the dull beeps signaling she had hung up on me. I increased my pace and ten minutes later was running full tilt at her house.

My legs were aching and as I slowed down the lactic acid took over my muscles, which started bunching up and knotting themselves. I had a stitch from one side of my body to the other and breathing was not my forte. I knocked on the door, and after a few moments Jessica opened the door, her eyes red and a tissue in her hand.

'I'm so sorry,' I choked out, opening my arms as she fell into them, clutching me tightly. She buried her head in my neck and squeezed me even tighter. 

'You bitch,' she said, pulling away and hitting my arm. A smile overtook her face and she took my hand, leading me inside and getting me a glass of water. 'Why, Diana?' She said, serious again as we sat at the bench. I shrugged,

'It hurt,' I said simply, 'two of the three people I trusted in this world betrayed me. I couldn't take it if the third turned their back too.' Jessica nodded slowly, before saying, 

'I would never do that - not intentionally anyway.' 

'I understand if you don't forgive me straight away, but if you still want to be my friend,' I started, shaking my head as she opened her mouth to argue, 'think about it, and tell me in a few days or whatever.' I smiled again at her and left, my chest still heaving from the run. I got back home and collapsed on my bed, before groaning and deciding it would be a good idea to stretch. I did so, wincing as my pained muscles rejected the exercise. As I relaxed my muscles, they thanked me for it, especially when I began massaging my thighs. 

The next day

I woke up to my mum smiling brightly in my face. She waved an envelope in my face, yelling,

'It's from that college you applied for!' 

I rubbed my eyes and scrambled into an upright position, my legs protesting at the sudden movement. My mum passed me the white, crisp envelope and then moved my tank top strap up onto my shoulder properly.

I tore open the letter, a frown overcoming my face as I read the first few words on the letter. I looked up at my mum.

'I was accepted.'


I stared up at the huge gates of the university. The sounds of the bustling city of Los Angeles seemed to fade away as I lookde out at my new place of study for the tertiary section of my education - University California, Los Angeles campus. I took in a deep breath and stepped inside, wanting to become familiar with the grounds before coming here next year and being thrown into the mixed up world of university with not a clue of my whereabouts.  

The grounds were very luscious, and it was bordered by Beverly Hills and Bel Air, among many other well-to-do suburbs. The beach was only a few kilometers away, but I couldn't hear the waves, no matter how hard I tried. As I walked around the grounds I realised some things, one, this university was enormous, and two, I was more than likely going to get lost on more than one occasion. 

At the end of the day, I had barely explored a third of the campus - I had learned their was a north and a south section, before I had to take the hour public transport route back home.


Okay, last chapter. There's gonna be a sequel, so look out for it. Titled "Perception Falls"

Title cred: Product of a Murderer - OM&M

I hope you've enjoyed this final installment of Sense Of Reality. I'm going to miss it :')

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