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Ugh. Mawa hated her dress. It was too bright and ugly against her dark skin. Too frilly for her taste. It looked horrid, even if Imani had assured her she looked like a daffodil. In Mawa's opinion, looking like a stupid flower wasn't much better. And really, if it hadn't been for the extreme circumstances, she wouldn't have agreed to being her cousin's stupid Maid of Honour in the first place.

"Oh, it's not even the wedding day," Imani said as she watched Mawa slump around, arms crossed and clearly discontent.

"Exactly," Mawa replied in a cold voice. Just because she was doing Imani a big favour didn't mean that she was going to be pleasant while doing it. "If it's not the wedding day, why've I got to have a pre-chosen outfit that matches the other bridesmaid?"

Just the stupid rehearsal dinner and already this role was getting annoying. In her head, Mawa just kept thinking about what else she could be doing at the moment, had Imani's so-called best friend NOT backed down from being maid of honour last minute. As well as all her other maids ( Imani only found one replacement despite the fact that there was supposed to be 5). Oy, how the entire episode made her furious. That phone call when poor Imani was in complete tears about the disaster her wedding was going to be. No one wanted to come.

It's taboo.

It was just wrong.

How family and friends could be so ignorant. What did it matter if the bride and groom weren't soulmates anyways? It wasn't like she'd ever find another one. Did they seriously want her to be forever alone? It was ridiculous.

And of course, thinking about soulmates only made Mawa's stomach tingle with anxiety. Of course, she remembered that today was the day she'd meet her soulmate. Oh, how she'd wondered what he'd be like. She supposed he'd probably be from the groom's side—most of Imani's guests she'd already met. She smiled, thinking about how after all this time, she'd finally meet him. The One.  More important, her One. She hoped he would't have an afro. She didn't understand what anyone saw in such a hairstyle. She wanted him to be as fluent in sarcasm as her. She knew he couldn't possibly be sensitive. No, sensitive people didn't usually agree with Mawa. It's why she didn't really know Imani that well. In fact, if most of the guests hadn't declined their invitation and the maids didn't drop out, Mawa probably wouldn't have even known about the stupid wedding.

She pictured herself, walking through the dance floor when suddenly she sees a young man dancing. They catch each other's eyes and before she can even register an emotion he's standing beside her, dance partner gone. Mawa could see his outstretched arm, asking her to dance and her happily obliging. Chatting for the length of the night before remembering The Clock. She'd check it as covertly as possible and realize it'd stopped. He'd realize the same and it would be so sweet.

"Do you remember the name of my fiancé?" Imani asked. Since Mawa had accepted position as maid of honour, Imani was persistently giving pop-quizzes about people whose names she should just know. Her groom. His family. The name of the one other maid—who was very late incidentally. It was growing annoying, mainly because it further showed Mawa's horribleness with names.




"Try again."

"It starts with a K though?"


Well that had Mawa stumped. Not a K? "DANTE!" Imani shouted.

Like it matters. She'll be introduced to him later anyways.

Rehearsal dinners are the worst. Surrounded by both family members Mawa didn't care to talk to and strangers Mawa didn't care to talk to. Ugh. While guests were still arriving, Mawa found herself wandering away from the crowd of people. Venturing back inside the house and towards the TV room. Maybe she'd catch a bit of the Boy Meets World reruns. Home—the one where Shawn stays with the Matthews as his dad chases after Verna—was on and Mawa would hate to miss it.

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