Chapter 3

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Luke and Calum stood in my doorway with Michael close behind. "It really isn't what it looks like guys," I explained, "We were uncomfortable on the lounge so we came up here to SLEEP!" I emphasised the word 'sleep' because I knew they would take this the wrong way. "Right, anyway we are making pancakes so wake up and get your asses down to the kitchen." Calum swiftly changing the subject. This must be awkward for him because we were as close as siblings, closer even, and if he thought me and Ash had done something he would be mortified that two of his best mates had hooked up. Talk about gross.
I shimmied out of Ashton's grasp and made my way to the shower. I proceeded to wash myself with my honey body wash and put a towel on my still wet hair as I brushed my teeth. I had slipped on a pair trackie shorts and was sliding into a loose shirt when I heard the door open. "U-uh, s-sorry..." Ash shut his eyes which was adorable that he didn't perve on me like most guys would.
"It's fine Ash," I assured, he was cute when he was worried. I finished dressing and walked past him downstairs towards the kitchen. "Heads up!" Michael threw a pancake my way, but we had this weird thing, so I caught it in my mouth and continued my walk to the kitchen table.
"Woah, what?" Ash gaped at me and I giggled as I explained why he just witnessed what he did. "Me and Mikey have this thing that we do because when we were 12 he threw a pancake at me and I caught it in my mouth so yeah, four years later we still do it." He smiled, "That's pretty awesome." He praised, "I know, I'm a pretty awesome person." I sassed. He giggled and proceeded to take the seat to my left, across from Luke. Calum was on my right and Mikey was in front of me.

Calum | MONDAY
I was sitting in Music with Ash and I was planning on grilling him when our music teacher sent us off to practice. "Alright class, practice now." Perfect.
"Hey Ashton... What's up with you and Bri hey?" He flushed pink and stammered a response. "Nothing, w-why do you ask?" He was lying, I could tell, even if I had only known him for a few weeks I could still tell, he was a horrible liar. "See well right now your red as hell and I found you two all cuddled up at Bri's." He stammered and realised he was done for so he came clean. "I may have a tiny little crush on her..." Yup, always expect the expected. A little different from the usual saying but it's what me and the lads, and Bri of course, live by.
"I was thinking I could ask her out on Thursday, my mum's having a dinner and you guys are all invited with your families."
"Cool, make it special when you ask her though, she may not seem like it but she is not the typical tomboy. You've gotta remember she's still a girl who likes to feel special." Bri was like a sister to me so I knew her as well as Luke did.
"Alright, let's do this." We grinned at each other.
I was jogging home today because cross country was coming up and I wanted to get into a bit better shape. I'm not exactly unfit but I can always improve right? Besides, I'm a bit on the chubby side, as all the girls at school like to point it out out. Luke tells me I'm perfectly fine the way I am but he's probably just saying that because he has to.
I shut the front door behind me with my foot and went upstairs to my ensuite to grab a shower. I was in the middle of adjusting the temperature of the water when I got a text. It was from Ashton telling me his mum was having a get together tomorrow afternoon at his house and I could invite my family. I texted back a quick okay and resumed my shower.
After putting my moisturiser back in my draw i caught sight of something I intended to forget about forever. My blades. They used to be my only comfort after a long day of endless taunting. Then they were replaced by Luke, when he found out I cut, his face was one of pure sorrow and sympathy. It crushed me inside and made it easy to agree to never even looking at the few blades I had stashed in my ensuite drawer. I haven't cut for three years, so I stopped when I was 13, after cutting for four years on and off. Luke felt terrible for not noticing something that was going on that long, but I assured him it wasn't something to feel bad about.
I lay in my bed after telling my mum about Ashton's dinner, just laying there, thinking peaceful thoughts. Come to think of it, my thoughts have been a hell of a lot less peaceful since school started back up. I guess an endless supply of bitches will do that to you, right?

So we know that Bri used to self harm, please if you ever think about harming yourself talk to someone! They can help!
Next chappie will be Ashton's dinner. Drama? No drama? Stay tuned 😊

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