Chapter 1

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"Honey time to wake up."
"Yes mum..." First day of school. Dear god save me from that merciless hell hole filled with spoiled brats and snobby bitches.
Finally managing to drag myself out of bed and into my on suite I faced the horror that was my reflection on a Monday morning, or any morning really. My hair looked like a bird crawled into it and died, the bags and dark circles under my eyes looked like you could fall into them, and don't even get me started on my morning breath. I'm a real charmer, ladies and gentlemen.
After taming my mane of bright red hair, and not like the natural red hair, no I mean the bright as hell fire truck red hair. I brushed my teeth thoroughly and applied a light layer of makeup, unlike some of the fake skanks at my school.
My breakfast consisted of toast and bacon which my loving mother prepared for me, if you were wondering, my asshole of a dad wasn't in the picture. He left us when my younger brother Oscar was born, that was 12 years ago, so when I was four. I am a few months away from turning 17 and I couldn't be more excited because this is my last year of hell before I can move onto a new chapter in my life.
The signature honk of a car horn alerted me to the fact that my best friend Luke was here to pick me up so I put my plate in the sink, popped a mint in my mouth, and kissed my mums cheek on the way out the door.
"Hey beautiful," he remarked, and before you think this was him flirting, the blonde with bright hypnotic blue eyes and myself had been best friends since birth, literally. We were in the same room when our mums were popping us out and our incubators were pushed next to each other's. So yeah, shut those romantic and flirty thoughts down. "Hey good lookin," I added with a wink. He rolled his eyes and blasted All Time Low as we sped towards school.
We pulled up in our usual spot near the gate and got out. Nobody really payed attention to our arrival because me and Luke weren't exactly popular. We weren't bullied or nerdy or anything like that, we just existed and I was grateful for that.
First stop was our lockers to grab our books for first and second period, then once the shrill sound of the bell rang through the halls we walked to roll mark.
We walked in and straight away new something was up. Our seats which happen to be in a row with three others that were normally empty, were already filled, well two of them were. They were filled by our two other best friends, Calum and Michael, which was quite a shocker considering the fact they don't even go to our school.
"Calum! Michael! What the hell are you two doing here?" I questioned, drawing some attention, as you can tell I'm not a very quiet person.
"We transferred here honey buns," Calum replied with that signature smirk of his, "remember we were talking about doing this a while back?" Oh that's right, that happened." Oh yeah right, well, welcome to our humble abode, and move over Mikey, that's my seat." He obliged and shuffled over a seat so I now sat between Michael and Calum, with Calum on my left, and Mikey on my right with Luke on his right and a spare seat on Luke's right. We were in the back row.
The rest of the day went normally and we strolled out the front gate and all four of us hopped into Luke's car, me riding shotgun. "So you guys wanna hit up Mikey's garage and practice for a bit, maybe record another video?" Oh yeah right, they're in band, however not a very good one considering they are yet to find a drummer. "Yeah sure, wanna come with, Bri?" I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to see my favourite dorks doing what they loved so, "Yeah! Of course! But I might not next time if you idiots don't find a drummer! Seriously, they're the best part of any band, and they're always the best looking cause of all their muscles," the boys rolled their eyes, "I've been seriously lacking eye candy." I added with a wink.
When we rocked up, Mrs Clifford opened the door and let us through, and we headed down to Michael's basement. "We might not have to worry about that drummer issue for much longer, there's a guy in my music class who plays drums, and he's pretty damn good." Calum brought up. "Name?"
"Ashton, he got to your school the same time we did, if you guys want I can invite him over? "
"Sure, we can test him, see if he's good enough, get Bri's stamp of approval on his muscles," Luke looked at me and I nodded my head in approval. "Kay then I'll shoot him a quick text."

The boys had been jamming for a while whilst we waited for Ashton to arrive, ding dong, speak of the devil. "I'll get it!" I offered and headed upstairs to the front door of the Clifford's house. I opened to see one of the cutest guys I had ever seen. He had longish, curly, dirty-blonde hair that came down about three inches, and his eyes were a beautiful combination of green and gold, hazel I guess, much like mine. But the best part was when he offered me one of the most charming smiles and he revealed his adorable dimples that adorned his cheeks. I presume this was Ashton.
He offered me another small smile, probably wondering who I was, "Hey, I'm Ashton." Yup, I was right.

So this was the first chapter of my new book, and although I haven't really stuck with my other books, I plan on finishing this because I have taken a different approach to usual and actually planned it out! Hope you enjoyed :) word count reached 1004 words!!
Stay safe, stay strong <3

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