Apathy. P.2

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(Y.n.) - your name

(B.n) - brother's name (if you don't have an elder brother just imagine you do or maybe imagine your best friend)


All the way to your home Ayato felt nervous and even bewildered. He tried to find right and sincerest words to say but nothing came to mind as he suddenly imagined your tear-stained eyes looking straightly in his. He had never made you cry before and now it felt like something Immoral and unforgivable.

Ayato perfectly knew everything about himself – he was aware of the fact that he actually behaves like a rude, unbearable, evil and cruel boy with serious wrath problems, but there wasn't a moment in his entire life when he could show his better side, his real feelings, which now were used to be hidden away. The biggest problem was Ayato's inability of showing emotions - all attempts failed miserably. He tried to be nice and caring but it looked like he is forced to speak that way and after some failures Ayato stopped trying and decided to leave everything just like it was.
And now nothing but dry and banal "I'm sorry" seemed like the best variant even though Kirishima knew it will be wrong and foolish.

When he saw your house in the distance, ghoul's heart started beating faster and his breathing quickened. "C'mon, why are you feeling like a silly schoolgirl?" He thought to himself with a smirk but still couldn't calm down.

"Is everything alright?" Your brother asked, looking at Ayato worriedly. "You just laughed without a reason... Walking down this dark alley with you is a little scary, you know." He stated smiling but the smile vanished immediately from his face when (b.n.) noticed Ayato's look full of hate and disgust.

"You allow yourself too much because you know that I can't kill you?" The ghoul asked clearly pronouncing each word. In the behavior of his beloved brother Kirishima saw only mockery and humiliation, and it angered him to the impossibility. For Ayato people were stupid and weak and had no right to contradict a ghoul. But all of his personal rules were eclipsed by one simple fact - he was in love with a real human, an absolutely ordinary girl. You were weaker than Ayato physically but you had undeniable power over him and over his feelings.

"Let's sit here for five minutes, ghoul." (B.n.) offered, nodding on to the bench. There were only some steps left to your house; Ayato clearly saw shadows from the curtains on the windows. Hoping to delay the moment of the apology, Kirirshima said nothing but sat near your brother.

"I want to tell you about her past." (B.n.) started with a groan. It was always difficult for him to remember those times cause he truly cared for his little sister even though she could be a pain in the ass sometimes. "Two years ago there was a guy. (Y.n.) met him in school and after some time they started dating. He seemed really polite and nice, but for me there was something wrong about him. You know (y.n.) - she never listens to somebody's advices when it comes to love, so my words were nothing for her." Your brother paused for a moment to look at Ayato - ghoul looked jealous and even... Sad.

"It lasted for three month. She looked happy and he looked like loving her and I had no claims. But one evening (y.n.) found out that he was scoffing on her. Their relationship proved to be an illusion. He made a bet with his friends that he'll make her fall in love with himself; he told his friends all of her secrets. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Can you imagine how it destroyed her?"

And Ayato could. He exactly imagined how much it hurt you. There were two desires in his heart - to protect his girlfriend from any pain and to kill the guy who did it. The ghoul stood up, clenching his fists. He knew that the best thing he could do was go and tell you everything he felt for you. Ayato wanted you to believe in him whatever happens.

"Wait, Ayato." (B.n.) said grabbing ghoul's arm. "It's not the end."

"I can't wait no more!" Ayato screamed angrily. "There's no time for empty talks."

"When she found everything out two years ago... She tried to kill herself."

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