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I'm still working on the next part of Chapter 6, but I just wanted to pause for a bit and say thank you to everyone who has been reading The Necromancer. The story started off on reddit (here: with no real plans to turn it into something bigger. But people really liked it, and the story has just kind of evolved as I wrote it. I didn't even decide how to end it until sometime in Chapter 2. And now we're almost there (well, kind of).

And for those of you who have found me through Wattpad, you should also check out all of my other writing here on Reddit: There are hundreds of short stories there for you to read. Alternatively, you can check out my ebook collection of stories:

So thank you to all the readers out there who are enjoying the adventures of Winston, Skip, Mog, and Lirk. If you have any questions about it so far, or just about writing in general, I'd be happy to answer in the comments below!

Also, I've got two new projects that you should follow too: 

(1) Kahi:

Also based on a writing prompt, it tells the story of an interstellar war from the perspectives of the three alien races involved.

(2) My prompt collection:

There will be new stories every day, on all sorts of themes and genres!

The NecromancerWhere stories live. Discover now