Pref 16- Youre Short

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You're Short (From Tumblr)

Harry: "Y/N, what are you doing?" Harry asked for the millionth time. The two of you have been sitting on the couch for the past hour. "I'm just playing a new game on my phone," you replied. "Can we do something?" he whined. "Yeah just let me finish this round," you mumbled. "You've been saying that for the past ten minutes!" he wailed. You didn't say anything because you were focused on completing the level. You saw Harry get up and assumed he was going to the bathroom. He went behind you and plucked the device right out of your hands. "Harry! I was almost done with that level!" you shouted. "If you want it so bad then get it from me," he said teasingly. Being so short, you knew you would never win but you gave it a try. As soon as you tried to lunge for it, Harry held your phone high above your reach. "Harry!" you grumbled jumping at your phone. "You're so adorable," he chuckled. "I'll give it to you as long as you cuddle with me," he offered. "Deal!" you exclaimed. "Here you go Shorty," he said with a wink. "Thank you Gigantor," you replied with a giggle.

Zayn: You had your perks of being short. You decided to prank Zayn. "Y/N, I'm home!" Zayn yelled. You decided to squeeze into a tiny corner in your closet. "Y/N? Where are you! I miss you!" you heard Zayn complain. You heard your bedroom door open. "Are you in here love? I don't like this game of yours!" he growled. You tried to stifle your laugh. As soon as he got close enough to the closet, you decided to pop out and scare him. "BOO!" you yelled. He turned around in shock and even jumped a little. You started laughing hysterically at his shocked look. "Ha ha very funny. You're too adorable and tiny to be afraid of," he chuckled. "I'm not that tiny!" you pouted. "Yes you are Boo, but I love that about you," he said before he collected you in his arms.

Liam: "What do you love most about Y/N?" a fan asked Liam while the two of you were walking around. "How short she is!" he chuckled. After a few photos and signatures, you guys went home. "I hate being short," you muttered as you reached to get a cup. "But I love that about you!" Liam exclaimed. "Well at least someone's enjoying it," you mumbled. "But hugs are so much better when you're short," he replied. "I'm not too sure about that," you replied hesitantly. "Let's put it to the test," he replied as he extended his arms towards you."Alright it is nice, but I don't see what's so great about it," you replied. "Here just relax into the hug," he replied. You placed your head on Liam's chest and you listened to his steady heartbeat. He placed his chin on the top of your head. "I feel even tinier," you stammered. "And that makes me feel even more protective of you. I feel like I would do anything to protect you," he whispered. "I know you would," you said as you snuggled deeper into the hug.

Louis: It's summer so of course you wanted to do summery things. "Let's go somewhere," you said. "How about the beach? It is summer," Louis replied. "Yeah sure! I'll be getting ready," you replied. An hour later you two were relaxing on the beach with almost nobody around. "Come in the water!" Louis hollered. "Is it cold?" you asked. "Not too cold! Just come in!" he said. "It's freezing!" you yelled. "You'll get used to it!" Louis cheered. "I'm just gonna go tan!" "Oh no you don't! Get in the water!" he yelled and started to run after you. Being short, you were easy to pick up. Louis scooped you up effortlessly and trudged through the water. You squealed and Louis eventually set you down. While he was standing in the water, you were practically swimming. "The water is too deep!" you screeched. "Come on Itty Bitty! I'll give you a piggy back ride!" he laughed. You clung to Louis as he walked through the water back to shore. "That was fun," you muttered. You ended up staying on land to tan or play sand volleyball for the rest of the day.

Niall: You were at the grocery store with Niall doing your weekly shopping. Surprisingly, you were able to reach everything until the very end. Ironically, Niall disappeared. "Perfect," you muttered. You decided to give it a go and reach for the top shelf for a box of crackers. You were on your tip toes and you arm was reaching as far as it would go, but you still couldn't get the box. All you managed to do was push the box back with your fingertips. "I love being short," you muttered sarcastically. You tried reaching for it one more time. "Need help there Princess?" you heard a deep voice say teasingly. "About time you got here," you grumbled. "What do I need to get?" he asked. "That box right there," you said as you pointed. Niall grabbed the box completely effortlessly. "Thanks," you said involuntarily pouting. "Why so sad?" he chuckled and flashed his pearly whites. "You can't do much when you're short," you replied. "The more reasons you need me!" Niall exclaimed.

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