Chapter 6

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A/N: Im back! After a few months of not writing, i am finally back with another chapter. Sorry i was gone for so long. I had a few problems like my laptop breaking, getting grounded, school and some other personal stuff. But i finally have time to write again i've had so many ideas for future chapters in this book and I'm going to start writing and try uploading weekly. So, enjoy this new short chapter (that is probably really sucky, but who cares.) 

                                                                                                                         - Eliza


When Caitlin woke up she checked and saw Barry still sleeping in bed next to her. She had a small smile on her face as she got out from under the covers and hung her legs over the edge of the bed. She was tired but got up and started getting ready for the day as she always did. 

She went into the bathroom and got into the shower. The water was freezing but it didn't bother her. Warm water would burn her skin as if it was on fire. She finished her shower and got out. She got dressed, brushed her hair and brushed her teeth. As she was about to open the door she caught a glimpse of her hair turning white. She locked the door and started to calm herself down. She turned on hot water and stepped into the bathtub, not caring if her clothes got wet. The burning water shooting out through the shower-head and hitting her back. She sat down and stayed there for what seemed to be a long time till she heard a knock on the door. "Caitlin, are you alright?" Barry asked through the locked door. Caitlin didn't answer. She just sat there. She knew that she couldn't open the door because she would freeze it. She was scared to do anything, mostly hurt Barry. Caitlin didn't answer. So Barry phased through the door and saw Caitlin sitting in the bathtub. Her hair, white as snow and her skin was so pale. Her eyes had turned blue and her lips were purple as if she had hypothermia.

Barry ran downstairs and grabbed the serum and went back up stairs. He grabbed a towel and placed it around Caitlin after he shut off the water. He injected the serum into her arm and she became unconscious. Barry picked her up bridal style. He took her into the room and laid her on the bed. Barry grabbed a dry set of sweat pants and a t-shirt and put them in the dryer to make them warm. After a few minutes Caitlin's hair started to go back to normal and her face was flushed. 

"What happened?" Caitlin asked in a soft voice.

"You started turning back. I gave you the serum and you blacked out." Barry explained to Caitlin as she sat up, noticing that she was soaking wet.

"Yeah, you might want to change into something less wet." Barry said, handing her the clothes he had just taken out of the dryer.

Caitlin took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change. She came back out dry, except her hair that was a bit wavy from getting wet. She went to lay down on the bed and got under the covers. She was trembling and she was exhausted. 

"I'm going downstairs to make some food for when you wake up, while you rest up." Barry put another blanket on top of her and went down stairs to cook. 

After three hours, Caitlin finally woke up and went downstairs. Following the amazing smell she knew as "pizza." 

"I thought you were going to cook something?" She asked Barry who was grabbing plates.

"I tried but I failed so I bought pizza instead." He said with a smile. Caitlin smiled back and sat down. She grabbed a slice of pizza and some water. Barry and Caitlin went to the living room and sat down to watched a movie. They stayed on the couch all day and talked to each other. Eventually, they fell asleep on the couch.

When they woke up in the morning, they were all tangled up together. Barry woke up first but went back asleep because he didn't want to wake up Caitlin.  They finally got up at around twelve o'clock. They decided to go see the sights of London and went to get ready. Barry gave Caitlin another dose of the serum and took some with him just in case something happened.

Once they got into the city they acted like such tourist because they thought it would be funny. They took lots of pictures and saw as many sights as they could before they had to go to their dinner reservations.

 By the time they had to go to dinner, they had seen most of the big sites like Big Ben and the ferris wheel. They went to a restaurant called "The Ledbury." They ate, drank, and talked. Caitlin told Barry some things from her past that no one knew. She trusted Barry, she knew that she could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge her or think that she was crazy. It was until they got into the topic of middle school. Caitlin and Barry both hated middle school. They were both treated badly.

"I hated middle school. I was always bullied and my father died while i was in 7th grade." Caitlin said shedding a tear. No one knew about her father. They all thought that she just didn't talk to her family anymore. But it wasn't true. Her father had died when she was 13, her mother stopped talking to her after Caitlin told her that she was moving for college. Her mother didn't want her to leave but Caitlin was tired of living in a trailer park. Her and her older brother still talk though. Her and her brother where really close. They were four years apart, when she left for college she went to live with her brother since he had already graduated. She hadn't seen him in awhile though. She missed him. She missed her whole family, but mostly her dad.

"I was always getting in fights in middle school. I would go home almost everyday all scratched up." Barry said. It was true though, he would get in fights everyday for the worst reasons.

By the end of the night, the mood had lightened up. They were both making jokes and laughing. They were a little bit drunk but enough to know why they were doing. They walked in the cold for awhile so that they could sober up a bit. At around 1am they had finally gotten sober enough to drive back to the house. When they got there they started drinking wine and talking. Just like the night before, they ended up tangled in the sheets. But when they woke up they were really surprised.

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