Chapter 8

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I'm Back!! Sorry i was gone again I ended up getting sick again and i was on a lot of medication so i really couldn't do anything. But I'm feeling better and now i can continue writing. Anyway this is the crossover chapter. It's a bit short.

                                  - Eliza


Caitlin and Felicity were talking in the med bay about Caitlin's new powers. Felicity wanted to know everything that was going on. She wanted to know how her friend was doing. She also wants details about the trip Caitlin took with Barry. 

Felicity knew that Caitlin and Barry were both crushing on each other. They never talked about it because they didn't want to jinx it. But since Oliver had found out about Barry's feelings for Caitlin, he and Felicity had decided to play matchmakers and try to get the two lovebirds together. Now they just had to set the trap. And they had the perfect plan.

*In the cortex*

The alarms were going off. There was an attack on a few buildings that could only be caused by the rouge meta-human. Barry and Oliver went after him while Felicity and Cisco finished off the device that could stop the meta. And for the first time in a long time, Caitlin felt useless. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to help ever again. She still didn't have any control over her powers. All she had were daily injections to make them dormant. And she didn't know how long she could keep playing this charade and acting like everything was fine.

Caitlin had so many thoughts running through her head and just had to get out of there. She headed to the basement. She wasn't sure of what she was looking for but she needed to cool off.(pun intended)

After a few minutes of looking around the basement, Caitlin found some paper and pens. She knew what she had to do. 

*In cortex*

Barry sped through the doorway and Oliver followed behind. They had stopped the meta and he was now in the luxurious pipeline.

"Where's Caitlin?" Oliver asked as he placed down his bow and took off his hood.

"We thought she was in the medbay." Cisco said looking at Felicity who was looking at the medbay.

"Check the pipeline and the roof. Those are the only places she would go. I'll go check the whole building." Barry said as he ran out of the cortex and searched the whole building.

*In the basement*

Barry checked the whole lab and couldn't find Caitlin. That's when he noticed a envelope with his name on it. He slowly opened the letter dreading what was inside. He knew what Caitlin was doing and he had to find a way to stop her. He wasn't going to lose her.

*In the cortex*

"Guys, we have to find out where Caitlin is!" Barry said in a tone that everyone seemed to notice and remember because it was the same tone Oliver would have whenever Felicity was missing.

"Barry, we'll find her. Cisco and I have been scanning the whole city for any cold signatures and anything that can lead us to Caitlin." Felicity told Barry to calm him down.

The truth was that Felicity and Cisco had already found Caitlin. They had found her a few day earlier but when they found her, she was no longer herself. Right now they had her in the sublevel of the particle accelerator. It was the only place they knew that Barry wouldn't look there.

Cisco left to his lab to finish the prototype for Caitlin that him and Felicity have been working on. It was the only way they knew to get Caitlin back to herself.


I know I haven't uploaded in a while but I think I might end this book in the next 2-3 chapters. I've kinda lost interest in it and I've been really busy but I want to keep writing so if you have any ships or request you would like me to write just let me know.

Plus, I know this chapter isn't that good...I wrote it during class where I'm not allowed to use my phone so I was trying to hide it the whole time.

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