Chapter 1

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"Barry, I have to go into the pipeline. It's too dangerous for you, you can get hurt."

"No, Caitlin I won't. You don't deserve to, your part of the team, and you won't hurt me, you wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Barry, please i can't control it. You'll find a cure and save me but for now you have to lock me up, it's safer for everyone."

Barry injected Caitlin with the serum and she fell asleep. Barry picked her up in his arms and carried her to the pipeline. When he got there he set her down and took off his jacket to put it under her head. He noticed that her hair was finally turning back from white to brown. But her skin was still cold and pale. Barry placed a kiss on her forehead before going back to to the cortex. He couldn't come into contact with her when she was conscious, and he hated that.

*in the pipeline next day*

"Hey Cait, I brought you some food." Barry said holding up two bags of Big Belly Burger.

"Thanks." Caitlin said smiling at Barry.

"I thought we could have lunch together."

Barry opened up the cell and helped her out then she sat down and he gave her the food. Barry noticed how Caitlin moved her hand slightly trying not to touch him. Barry smiled at this, then sat down next to Caitlin.

"You know we put something in the serum to take away your powers...temporarily, we got the idea from that time we stopped Everyman."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I told Cisco to try and make one that can control your powers and to put it in the we could do this..."

Barry grabbed her hand and they intertwined their fingers. Caitlin smiled, just the thought of holding his hand again, gave her hope.

Barry and Caitlin ate and talked for about an hour and a half. Then Caitlin's hair started turning white. When Caitlin saw it she let go of his hand quietly.

"You should go."

Caitlin said walking back into the cell. She could feel her powers about to come back, so she quickly hugged Barry and kissed him quickly. Then Barry closed the cell. 

Snowbarry: Killer Frost AU (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now