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“There was no need for that” Edward told me, as he appeared outside my window.
I really need to keep that locked.
“Okay, most of them hate me and want to suck my blood or whatever”
“Rosalie’s just jealous I chose you over her-”He stopped himself.
“Oh…right! That’s why she hates me!”
“There’s a thunderstorm tomorrow, want to come with my family and play baseball?”
“Er…not really. Not at all…actually. I think something bad is going to happen” I paused, and stared into his golden eyes “Okay. I will”


We went out in Emmet’s jeep, because I didn’t want to be carried the whole way, as that makes me really dizzy. We went up the bumpy path, and I felt scared.

Don’t ask me why, but something bad is going to happen, and seeing how there isn’t many pages of this book left, I can tell this is coming into a climax.

As he unbuckled my seatbelt, we stayed in a solemn silence.

It was like he was forcing this on me. I don’t know why I had to go out in the pouring rain to watch them play baseball. I hate sports!
“Lighten up” He told me, using the same words I had when we first met, and I couldn’t resist smiling.

He smiled his crooked smile.


“All your family hates me” I said, slightly sad.
“They’d all help you, if something bad happened”

He carried me to the clearing, and they played a really loud, really fast game of baseball. Edward would run, then jump, then land, but the fact that something bad was going to happen has heavy on my shoulders.

Esme was sweet, but I still felt like I didn’t fit in. I felt awkward if I cheered Edward on, because Rosalie would give me a glare.

And getting a glare like that from a vampire was scary.

Not that I was afraid of these vampires.

Yet the vampires that were walking into the clearing were scary.

I can’t believe Alice didn’t see this coming.

A scream choked itself in my throat, until I realised this strange calm mood fell over me.

I think I can remember Edward telling me about this.

All of us moved into a line, and I liked to call it a line of protection. Jasper, Emmet and Edward fussed over me, and Jasper held my forearm, Emmet was holding my other forearm, and Edward was stood in front of me.

It was good they were holding me in place, because I was planning on running away.

Carlisle walked up to Edward, and as Carlisle was such a kind person, he started talking in a very friendly way to one of the new vampires.

“Greetings” Carlisle said.
“Can we hunt here? And join in your baseball game?” One of them asked.
“Can we have her? We’re happy to share” One of the others chuckled. “Just kidding; she’s mine”
“No, you cannot hunt here. Our game just finished. We do not like to involve ourselves in your type of hunting”
“Such a shame. Can you tell me the name of your pet? I’ve never seen such…sweet blood”
“I’m Bella” My unsteady voice croaked.

One of them crouched into a hunting position. Edward mimicked this.

“We’ll be off, now” Edward said, and grabbed my arm, and led me up to the car, Emmet and Jasper were following us, and their voices were barely a whisper. I couldn’t hear a thing.

As soon as we were back at the house, I was dressed in Esme’s clothes, and Rosalie dressed in my clothes.

Rosalie was repulsed.

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