Look for alaska, i mean, looking for aysia

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We eventually snuck into the city because we ran out of deer to kill and needed food. We drove the car we had stolen months ago, and drove out to largo, because the public there is really good for food.
   We go to the public and bought some food. We bought some dog food fore lukey wookey too.
  On our way out, we heard a loud "agh!" Coming from behind the building. We ran and saw a garbage truck and a dumpster with screaming coming from it. I ran up to the truck, which was backing up and getting ready to pick up the dumpster, and banged on the window. The guy stopped the truck and opened the window. I immediately knocked him out, and opened the door and he fell out.

We went over to the dumpster and looked inside to find- *gasp* AYSIA! I had never been this surprised except for the time when I first found out that Luke's first 3 social security card numbers are the same as my first 3 phone digits!
     "Aysia?" I said.
"Jessie! Bryonna!" She yelled, "you'll never believe how I got here! I escaped from the largo jail, and since I had nowhere to go, I became homeless. I live in a dumpster." She said. "Oh cool!" I said.
"So what are you gonna do with the free garbage truck?" She asked me.
"Well..." I said.

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