Chapter 1

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I watched the alarm begin to ring again at 8 a.m.. It'd been ringing in 15-minute intervals for the last hour. Of course, he couldn't shut it off, he was dead and I'd killed him. I'd warned him, but he didn't believe me and I'd kept my promise. He was tucked into bed naked, blood caked around the knife plunged into his horrid heart. This town would surely feel this blow to their little community, but not as hard as the ones brought about by his fists. I loomed over his body, gripping the handle of the long carving knife I'd so violently plunged into his chest not once, not twice, but 4 times.

            Should I pull it out? My fingerprints were all over it, the Sheriff and his clowns would figure out it was me, but then again, I wanted them all to know I'd done it. The knife would stay. I collected my car keys tugging my suitcase behind me. The wheels echoed off the walls of such a silent home. It was odd, when you killed the owner of a house; it was as if the house died too. The birds were singing in the trees and insects fluttered past me with a buzz. Mrs. Whitman, our neighbor, was sitting on her front porch rocking in her rocking chair. She lifted her wrinkled arm in a wave. I smiled, returning her warm gesture as I unlocked my car. Her words suddenly cut through the air when she asked me where my dear husband was: dead in his bed. I turned over to her, airily claiming he'd gone to the office.

            Her head dropped forward in a lazy nod. It was a good thing he'd given himself the reputation of being a workaholic. I popped the trunk, dumping my bags in. It surprised me that Mrs. Whitman didn't question why I had so many on me. She was the type to peek into the mail slot if we didn't open the door after the first knock. I closed the trunk, casually making my way to the driver's side. I knew Mrs. Whitman was watching and when that body was discovered, I didn't want them to immediately suspect me.

            Suddenly, an ear-splitting scream erupted from the house followed by the frantic calling of my name. Lynette had found the body. I cut my eyes to Mrs. Whitman as she shakily stood from her rocking chair in alarm. Lynette yanked the front door open dashing onto the walk in her black and white uniform. I stumbled into the seat jamming the keys into the ignition. When the engine revved up, I hit the gas just as Lynette managed to tap the passenger glass. Well, it seemed my freedom would be short lasting. I could already imagine Mrs. Whitman asking Lynette what was wrong in her frail voice. Lynette would probably collapse into a puddle of tears at her feet, sobbing about her murdered boss and lover.

            I rushed past a stop sign earning the attention of the sneaky Deputy McAllister who hid behind a cluster of trees. His sirens pierced my ears as the red and blue lights flashed in my rearview mirror. I gripped the steering wheel contemplating whether I should stop. By now, Lynette was probably sniveling over the phone to Clarence, the Sheriff dispatcher. He would send the call out and soon the whole Blair County Sheriff's Department would be looking for me. I pressed down on the gas pedal flying through the one light intersection. Other cars honked at me, poking their heads out to shout polite insults.

            Deputy McAllister was hot on my tail matching my speed and lane changes. I should have left sooner; instead I sat there on the bed with his body for 7 hours. I couldn't bring myself to leave; my husband had just died after all. The Blair city limit was just up ahead, if I could cross it, I'd be free! It was an open road and I could go as fast as I wanted. Three deputy vehicles suddenly glinted in the sunlight as they formed a barricade directly in my path. I could either stop, or plow right through them to my death and probably theirs. Did I want to kill more people? No, he wasn't worth taking more lives.

            My foot slammed on the brakes skidding across the dirt road. The deputies braced themselves gripping their firearms in their hands. A cloud of dust billowed upward around the car as it finally came to a stop, just mere inches from their units. My heart thudded rapidly against my chest. I'd been caught. Deputy McAllister stopped behind me with his lights still flashing. He slowly exited his car calling out to me by name as he kept a hand steadily over his holster. I watched in him inch closer in the side mirror until finally he was tapping on my window with the barrel of his gun. I rolled my window down raising my hands before he shot me right between the eyes. "Good morning Deputy McAllister, was I speeding?" I innocently asked.

            He blinked sliding a finger over the hammer. "I'm gonna need you to slowly step out of the car." He said, backing up a few steps. I glanced at the other six deputies who were locked on my movements then opened the door, moving just as slowly as he'd ordered. He asked me to round over to the front and place my hands on the hood. Well, this spectacle certainly wasn't going to help my reputation. Other members of our pristine little community were already watching in horror. Deputy McAllister apologized as he patted me down for weapons. I shuffled uncomfortably as he slid a hand up and down my legs. He removed his handcuffs, pulling one arm back. "Madison Delaney, you're under arrest for the murder of Tobias Delaney." Well, at least there wouldn't be a speeding ticket on my record.

Welcome to the first chapter of The Weaker Sex! How was it??? I hope you all liked it and would definitely appreciate your votes and comments

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Welcome to the first chapter of The Weaker Sex! How was it??? I hope you all liked it and would definitely appreciate your votes and comments. I will be updating regularly this week so be sure to add it to your library to catch the next update! Please leave your votes and comments!! - Alli <3

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