Chapter 16

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It was another week before Tobias and I saw each other. He and his dad had gone to New York to visit the Columbia University campus. A million doubts about where this would be going went through my head, but each night he would surprisingly call me and tell me about his day and what he'd done and the places he'd visited. It'd bring a smile to my face how he'd get 'little kid excited' about being in New York. It was his first time visiting a large city and he couldn't be happier. I could imagine his grin as he posed for pictures or saw something he'd only seen on Google images. The clock would wind on and on until it was somewhere near 3 a.m., and his dad had had enough of his whispers so he'd harshly ask him to hang up and go to sleep.

When Sunday night came and he didn't call, a little discomfort grew in the pit of my stomach. It was funny how easily you could get used to talking to someone. It was midnight already and I knew he was back home, so I figured I wouldn't be talking to him tonight. Stephen had gone back to the base so I didn't even have him to ask what else I could do. I was too nervous to talk to Jean-Louise or Mrs. Wells. I was 18 going on 19 and had never had any real experiences with other guys. What if I completely butchered this budding relationship and I wouldn't even know what I'd done?

Something pinged off my window making me rake my brain about what serial killers were around and which ones like to lure girls out of their bedrooms. When none came to mind, I slid off the bed and treaded towards the window. A figure was standing by the tall oak tree on the edge of the property. I pulled the curtains further apart and opened the window poking my head out. Tobias! He grinned up at me, coming closer to the window then loudly whispered for me to come down. I held up a finger then quietly hurried down to get my coat.

The screen door squeaked like it always did, but this time it sounded like I was strangling a cat. I looked back at the staircase sighing in relief that the noise didn't seem to have disturbed anyone. Tobias met me at the bottom of the porch, cuddling me into his chest as soon as he could get ahold me. I breathed in his scent tucking my face into the warmth of his coat. "What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him. He failed to respond with words and instead took me up in a kiss. Bubbling heat sprouted in my toes rising all the way to my head. It felt light, almost dizzying. He set me back down and smiled, kissing my cheek too. "I wanted to see you. A week in New York can't be as good as I imagine a week with you would be." He said.

He'd actually spoken those words or maybe I didn't hear right. "I was kind of thinking I wasn't going to hear from you." I sheepishly admitted.

"I was going to wait until morning, but I thought maybe you'd like the surprise I have for you."

"What might that be?"

"Do you trust me?"



"I'm just, nervous around most guys."

"I get that, but I'd like for you to trust me enough to get into the passenger seat."

"At 3 a.m.?"

"It's great timing."

"... Alright."

I shut the front door and hopped into his truck. The engine softly hummed to life then he rolled on past the Wells home towards the university. I looked on the dash noticing that it was 31 degrees. Ugh, I should've brought a blanket with me. I focused on getting warm not realizing that he had taken me back to the frat house. Oh great, he was going to treat me like he'd treated Michelle. I was not about to scurry out half naked. I'd eaten way too many twinkies over the last semester for that to be a pleasing sight to anyone. He helped me off the car and clasped my hand taking me inside quickly. My skin rose with goose bumps at the sudden layer of heat settling over me. He put a finger to his lips then we snuck up the stairs.

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