Chapter 13: Answers?

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I decide to take another shot at talking to Patrick. I know he's already furious at me for trying to investigate, but now I'm doing this for everyone, especially Flynn.
I start walking down to Patrick's office, when I spot him outside the library. Patrick rarely goes into the library unless he has a meeting.
I decide to go up to him anyway.
"Hey, Patrick."
"Hello Ms. Hivex, how can I help you this morning? Make it quick, I'm supposed to meet with the Council in 5 minutes." He says looking over my shoulder.
"You mean the Council you told me denied my request?" I ask suspiciously.
"Yes.... but don't get any ideas. This meeting is strictly about an important issue we need to resolve. We don't need any students interrupting this meeting. This is the only time we have, Ms. Hivex, and I wouldn't bring up anything about your "request." The Council members will be furious, and then I'd get in trouble."
"May I ask what the issue is?" I ask batting my eyelashes.
"We are hoping to get a new student, but that's none of your business, Ms. Hivex." He says looking me in the eyes.
"It is if I am a fellow student." I say sternly.
"Not in this case. Now, please excuse me. The Council members are here now."
I step aside, not looking away from Patrick. Then, I look towards the group of people coming nearer us.
I see about five men and two women. Seven people so as to have majority votes. I continue looking at Patrick as the group stops in front of us.
"Good morning Patrick." One of the men in front says.
"Good morning Mr. Lived. How nice to see you and the other Council members this morning. Especially you, Mrs. Natasha." Patrick says waving to the woman in the back of the group.
He looks over at me, I still haven't moved completely out of the way.
Patrick coughs," And this is Ms. Hivex, one of our best students here at Vaston. She was just on her way to her next class, weren't you Sam?"
Patrick never addresses us by our first names unless he wants something.
"Yes, I was. Nice to meet you Mr...." I stutter.
"Mr. Lived." He corrects me with a slight smile.
"Mr. Lived." I say shaking his hand.
"I'm sure we'll meet again." I say as I walk off behind the group. As I walk past the group, I spot the lady Patrick waved to holding a small bag by her side. She's paying attention to whatever Patrick is saying, and I take the opportunity. I snatch a small notebook from her bag as I walk by and shove it into my pocket.
This ought to have some answers. I think as I walk to my next class.
Classes take extra long today, typical. I have something important that I need to read yet I can't do it in the middle of computer or code breaking class.
I wait in anticipation for my last class, Sciences, to end so I can get to my dorm room and finally read the notebook.
0258 hours.... 0259 hours... Almost there... 0300 hours! Class is out and everyone charges out of the classroom to leave.
I jog back to my dorm, unlock the door, and throw my bag onto my bed.
I flip off my shoes and throw myself on top of my mattress.
Then, Cass walks in.
"Hey! I haven't seen you all day! What are you doing?" She asks looking at the small black notebook in my hands.
"Oh, just studying. Got a big Science test I gotta study for." I say with a smile.
"Oh, by the way, where did you go last night? I didn't see you come in and I barely saw you this morning, and then you left way earlier than you normally do. Are you okay? *gasp* Did you go to a bar and meet a cute guy?! Did you hook up?! Did you do it..?? What did he look like?! Was he sexy?! Tell me everything!" She says spinning in the desk chair.
"Uh, you could say that." I say with a smirk on my face.
"Really? What's his name?!" She asks, her eyes getting bigger.
"Take a guess." I say, teasing her.
"I hate these games." She says with a pouty face.
"Uh, Mike? No, Daniel! No, umm, Miles! Peter? I don't know. Guys have such weird names these days. Tell me!" She demands, rocking the chair back and forth.
"It begins with an F..." I keep playing with her.
"Fred? That's an ugly name. You can do better." She says with an ugly look on her face.
"No....." I keep teasing.
"Uh, I ran out of names. I don't know that many guys with names that begin wi-" she stops.
"You didn't!" She looks shocked.
"I didn't. He did." I say.
"You're kidding! I always knew you two would be together! What's your ship name? Aww, you guys are gonna get married! AND YOUR KIDS! They will be sooo cute! Aww, I can't wait! Can I be your best woman? We need to pick out a dress, and flower arrangements! And, and-"
"Wow, Cass. I don't know if I'll marry Flynn, but he did take me to dinner, and it was really romantic. Thanks for being supportive."
"Are you kidding me?! I love you guys! That's the best thing I've heard all day! When are you gonna tell Kyou?" She asks.
"Whenever it matters to her, or when I actually get a chance to talk to her. She just goes on about her machines and nonsense..."
"That's great. Wow, you and Flynn. You know, things with me and Xander are going pretty well too. We've been going out.... and staying in. Some more than others......" She says trying to look innocent.
"Well, I better get back to studying." I say looking back at my notebook.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna walk over to Xander's dorm. If I don't come back, at least you'll know where I am. Goodnight!" She says putting clothes into her bag and shutting the door.
I return back to the notebook.
On the front cover is a picture of the government's symbol: An Empusa. This is a Greek "monster/creature" that was said to have the form of a beautiful lady. There is a bad side to them, as does everything. The Empusas would lure young men who were travelers. Once the men had fallen asleep, they would then turn into their beastly form: a creature with sharp teeth, flaming hair, and sometimes bat wings, and devour the sleeping men.
And I thought bears were creepy.
I'm not quite sure why the government chose this as their symbol, but they have the beautiful lady side with a young traveler as their symbol, not the creepy fire-headed bat lady.
(I also take Greek Mythology because we don't have History classes here at Vaston, so this is the closest thing to it.)
I ignore the symbol on the notebook, and turn to the first page.
I skim through the first two pages, and it just goes on about money, debts, and new plans for some buildings in the city. This list continues for almost a fourth of the book. I read what seems like 3 million pages until I come across something interesting.
A list of names.
I've never heard of some of these names before, but I see some names on a separate paper that are students who go to Vaston, in the assassin academy only. Names like: Emily Jackson, Peter Shoug, Denise Young, and Walter Qiuont. I don't know these kids personally, but I've heard their names mentioned before.
I wonder what the government wants with students who have only completed 2 or 3 years of training.
I continue reading, and in the back of the book I finally find notes on my request.
Thank God! Some real answers!
The Hivex Request
Requested by Sam Hivex, that's me.
3/24/46 0600 hours
*meeting cancelled, to be rescheduled
"That's it?!" I shout way too loudly.
There wasn't even a meeting about my request?! Patrick obviously looked into it, but the meeting never took place, and this was almost a month ago. Patrick also told me that they denied my request, interesting.
I thought I was going to get answers!
Now I know I'll just have to talk to the Council myself about this matter......I'm sure Patrick won't mind at all....
I throw the notebook at the wall and flip backwards to lay my head on my pillow. It lands with a thump, and I now have a bruise on my right temple.
"Ouch." I whisper as I fall asleep.

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