Chapter 21: Curveball

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Flynn and I eventually make our way back to campus, but neither of us care if we missed our classes.
Honestly, who gives a fuck?
I'm top of my class, and I don't even go to half of them.
On the car ride back, the only thought looming in my head was: What's my plan?
I decided I'd go pay Patrick a visit.
For whatever reason, I don't know, but it feels right.
I kiss Flynn goodbye and we part ways; but instead of heading to my dorm, I go to the Main Office, where Patrick is.
I make my way up the steps to the third floor.
I open the door and see Tracy Spottz, Patrick's secretary.
She greets me. "Hello Ms. Hivex, what can I do for you today?"
"Oh, nothing really, I just need to speak with Patrick." I reply in my most "polite" voice. Ugh, I hate that one.
"Oh, I'm afraid that's not possible. Sorry dear, might have to stop by another time."
"Why?" I ask.
"Well, you see, Patrick just left."
I think: It's only 1500 hours, why would Patrick be gone now?
"Do you know where he went?" I ask getting slightly annoyed.
"Well, no. But I do know who he last spoke with."
"Mr. Lived. They had a meeting not 2 hours ago."

Where could Patrick have gone to, and with Mr. Lived of all people? I hate to say it, but I do not trust him at all: Mr. Lived. He seems too suspicious, too hidden.

"Ms. Spottz, I hate to ask, but can I step inside Patrick's office for one second?"
"Oh no dear, his office is strictly prohibited from all students, unless invited in, sorry."
"Oh, ok. Thanks anyway Ms Spottz." I say, trying not to sound extremely agitated.
I turn around and walk back to the stairwell.
I sigh.
"I hate having to do things the hard way."
I walk back to the stairwell and wait for about another 5 minutes before pulling the fire alarm.
As the alarm is going off, and everyone is evacuating the building, I make my way back to Tracy's desk and look through her drawers.
I open one to the left, and pull out a key.
I unlock Patrick's office and step inside.
I look around first before touching anything.
No one is in the office, but everything still seems suspicious.
I make my way over to Patrick's desk.
I look in the drawers, and find nothing, before realizing that there's a large yellow envelope on top of his desk.
I open it.
Inside there is another yellow folder, a key, and a small white envelope.
I shove the key in my pocket, along with the office key, and open the yellow folder.
The only thing inside the folder is a small sticky note. It reads:
Sam Hivex.
Box 79250
I take the note, along with the white envelope, and lock Patrick's office behind me.
I make my way out of the building just as the alarms turn off.
From the third story window, I could see fire trucks. So, as I step outside the building, I pretend cough and tell one of the firemen:
"I think the fire's on the fourth floor!"
They all rush inside and I can go back to my dorm without being interrogated.
I literally sprinted back to my room.


I make my way back up to my dorm room, still breathing heavily from sprinting. I unlock the door and sit on my bed. 

As I look up, I can see Flynn sitting in my desk chair on the wall opposite me, the one behind the door, so I wouldn't see him when I came in.

He looks at me, his arms crossed over his chest. It wasn't a mean look, nor disappointed, so it was a look I wasn't familiar with. 

"Hey." he simply said.

I look at him, for some reason, I feel like I could burst into tears. Strange.

"Hey." I manage to choke out.

He looks down. "The alarm was pulled in the Office Building. I thought that was Fhire's calling card." He looks up at me.

"You know, for one of the most quiet people I know, you sure do read things well." I sort of compliment him.

"All quiet people do that. We're pretty good at it. Perk." he said.

We always say "perk" when we think something is good. It's better than, "I really like that." or "That's pretty good."

He pauses for a minute before continuing. 

"Why?" he says interested.

"Because." I respond in my childish way.

"Because, why?" he asks raising his voice, emphasis on why, scaring me a little bit.

It takes me a minute to answer him.

"Because I love you. I want you to come with me, Flynn, please. There's something going on here, a bigger picture. Way bigger than what we imagine. Don't you want to know? I mean, your parents could still be alive, mine too, everyone's! I need to know Flynn, I really do; this is killing me. ...Please." 

We just sit there, staring at each other for what feels like a long time. I can feel Flynn thinking, considering it.

"Fine." he says finally.

Then the tears come, joyful tears.

"Flynn, are you sure? "

"I love you." he says. "Why wouldn't I go? Besides, no one is stopping you, no one's going to get in your way. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Plus, I promised I'd take care of you, you deserve that much. So, yes, I will go with you, because I made a promise, and that, I will keep."

I honestly thought I should've just gone alone, but just like that, the recruitment starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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