The truth comes out

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(Your pov)
It's been about 3 weeks since the chara incident. Everyone has been taking it easy. Megan agreed to move in with me so I can make sure chara stays away. It was noon and I was getting bored so I decided to go hangout with sans and papyrus. I threw on some jeans and a hoodie then headed to sans' house. When I got there I was greeted by Papyrus

"HELLO HUMAN KAITLIN, WELCOME" Papyrus said. I walked into the house to see none other than Stacy. Papyrus went to his room which left just me, sans and Stacy.

"Hi sans, Stacy" I said.

"Hello kaitlin" Stacy said. She was starting daggers at me.

"Hi Kaitlin" sans said. We sat in silence watching TV for an hour when sans went to the bathroom. After sans left Stacy started talking.

"Look kaitlin, I know you like sans but let me make one thing clear." Before I had time to react sans was walking down the stairs. We watched TV for another hour when stacy finally left.

"Finally she's gone. So kaitlin I was wondering do you wanna go somewhere so we can talk?" Sans asked.

"Um sure" I said. He grabbed my hand and we teleported to this cave. In front of us there was a waterfall and surrounding the waterfall were a bunch of blue flowers.

"Wow sans this is beautiful" I said. "Wow this is beautiful" one of the flowers repeated. The flower scared me and I jumped back.

"Heh kid that's an echo flower. I repeats whatever it hears" sans said.

"That's so cool." Me and sans sat at the edge of the water. I looked up at the ceiling and saw purple rocks hanging. It was beautiful.

"Sans where are we?" I asked.

"We're in the underground" sans said. "This place in particular is known as waterfall.

" It's so pretty "

"Heh I knew you would like it" sans said. "Now kid I brought you here for a reason, to tell you the truth. There are these things called timelines and resets. This wasn't the first time I met chara. I've meet her many times before. There have been many timelines, Papyrus has died, chara has died....I've died. I always waited for the next human, to see if I was gonna die. And through these timelines this isn't my first time meeting you."

"Wait what?" You said. "It's not?"

"Nope I've met you many times before. Only in the other timelines chara would possess you and you would kill everyone... Even me" sans said. But this timeline is different. It's the first time you've ever been nice."

"So all the nightmares and dreams I've been having. There flashbacks from different timelines?" I asked.

"Yes. The way you saw me in those timelines was what I was trying to hide and is why I am dating Stacy. But now that you know everything, she can't control me anymore." We both stood up. This was alot to take in.

"Sans have you ever killed me?" You asked.

"Only once. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I loved you kaitlin. And you know what?" He brought you closer to him. "I love you now." You guys were about to kiss when stacy showed up.

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