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(Sans pov)
I woke up and went downstairs. Stacy had spent the night. Stacy has been my friend for so long now until she forced me to date her. If I didn't she was gonna tell everyone about my magic and that needed to stay secret.

"Hey Stacy. I'm gonna head out to grillbys for a little bit ok?"

"Ok sansy" she said. I'll be at the movies with a few friends so I'll see you later." I left the house and teleported to Katy's. I wanted to talk to her about last night. Man this was gonna be an interesting conversation.

(Your pov)
I woke up with puffy eyes and my hair a mess. I was still so confused about last night. I walked downstairs and gave Sandy some food. She looked at me concerned and transformed into her human form. (Oh ya Sandy is part human part dog) She was wearing some jeans and a tank top.

"What's wrong Katy?" You look sad" Sandy asked.

"Just had a bad night. Don't worry about it." Sandy was about to respond when I heard a knock on the door. It was sans.

"What do you want?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

"Katy let me explain my myself." I was gonna shut the door but this feeling came over me that made me want to let him explain. So I let him inside.

"Thank you. Now Katy I'm only dating Stacy because she's forcing me to"

"What do you mean she's forcing you."

"Look its a long story and I feel it would be best if I told you when your not feeling this way." He was right. I really didn't need to here about all this when I'm not emotionally stable.

"Mettaton is throwing some kind of party at his place today. So why don't you go with me and let me prove myself to you".

"Fine I guess"

"Good i will pick you up around 5 that's when the party starts see you then." I was still very confused but I might as well give him a chance. I took a shower and put on a blue skirt with a black tank top and my hair in a bun. Then I waited for sans.

Timeskip brought to you by human Sandy

Sans showed up and used his short cut to get us the the party. There was Megan, Toriel, Mettaton, Alphys, Undyne, papyrus, and Frisk. Frisk ran up to me and hugged my legs. She was so cute.

"Ohh darling I'm so glad you could make it" Mettaton said. Papyrus saw me and tackled me in a hug.


"I missed you to pap" I said. Everyone was dancing to some music besides Megan and sans who were now sitting on the couch. There was a little ghost playing some music and there was a karaoke machine in the corner of the room.

"Hey papyrus wanna sing some karaoke?" I asked.


"YA" Undyne yelled. We can all go into teams and we can make this a competition. Winning team gets to pick a punishment for the losing team."

"Um i-i d-dont know about t-this Undyne" Alphys said.

"And me and alphys are gonna be the winning team Fuhuhu" Undyne said.

"Game on" I said. We all started picking teams. Papyrus and Mettaton, Alphys and Undyne, Frisk and Toriel all that was left was me and sans. Megan was in the bathroom avoiding this game.

"Come on sans I'm the only one left"

"I don't sing" sans said. He wasn't gonna move so I came up with an idea.

"Your just scared that you won't be as good as me" I said. Sans gave me a dirty look and then got up from the couch.

"Oh it's on" sans said. Frisk and Toriel went first. Then Mettaton and papyrus, Alphys and Undyne after them and finally me and sans. Everyone was having a fun time singing. Some even started dancing to the music. Me and sans took turns singing castle by Hasley. Sans surprised me, he could really sing. It was actually pretty attractive. Wait what? No stop katy he has a girlfriend. After we all finished singing Alphys told us who were the winners and losers. The highest score was Alphys and Undyne. The lowest score was me and sans.

"FUHAHA I TOLD YOU WE WOULD WIN" Undyne yelled. "Now we get to pick your punishment" after a minute of Alphys and Undyne talking they started laughing.

"You guys...have to...KISS" Undyne said.

"WAIT WHAT " I yelled. My face turned a dark crimson while sans' face was now completely blue.

"You heard me you have to kiss" Undyne said. I was gonna say something when sans stopped me.

"Let's just get this over with." Sans started to lean into you and you did the same. He kissed you but he didn't stop. You kissed him back. Time felt like it had stopped and you were left breathless when he moved away from you.

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