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THE FIRST obvious stage of heartbreak is denial.

     "Nat, I know exactly why he broke up with me!"

     Natalie rolled her eyes as Bella continued to insist she knew why Noah had broken her heart. She slouched down further on Bella's couch, tugging her soft baby blue blanket up to her chin. Bella didn't see any of the actions, having been looking at the TV in a stressed out daze. Her hands made weird movements as she spoke.

     "Think about it, Noah clearly broke up with me because-"

     "Because he's a dick and only has feelings for himself."

     Bella turned her head around so quick Natalie could've sworn she probably cracked her neck. Bella glared at Nat which made her shrug and simply turn back to the TV.

"I'm serious Nat." Bella complained, turning back around to the TV as the next episode of their Orange is the New Black binge started.

"I'm serious too. You can't honestly believe he broke up with you for any other reason besides the fact that he's a douche?" Natalie reasoned with her as her eyes stayed glued to the screen. Bella sighed deeply, pausing for a moment and realizing for a minuscule second that her best friend was right. Then she reevaluated the situation and chose to believe her theory was correct.

"But let's be for real here, what if-"

"Bella, I swear to God."

     It was safe to say Bella Reed was currently in the stage of denial.


It was now day two of Bella being a single woman. She still refused to trust Natalie's explanations. There was a completely sane reason behind what Noah did, and Bella would figure it out.

     "Trust me, he broke up with you because-"


     "Bella just listen to me for a-"


     "Maybe you could-"


     "I was going to say-"



     Bella halted her steps, shutting her eyes out of anger for a moment and tossing her shopping bags onto the couch. Natalie repeated the actions and chased after Bella who had, at Nat's time of weakness, taken a run for her bedroom. Bella almost made it and was about to slam the door shut but Natalie shoved it back open. The two struggled to push one or the other out of the way.

     "You can-"

     "No! He loves me! There's a perfectly normal explanation for this!"

     "Oh yea, maybe the Russian Mafia caught him and told him if he didn't break up with you they'd kill him. And then-"

     Bella stopped pushing the door and backed away, face contorting into one of realization as her hands feel at her sides. Natalie fell through the door after Bella stopped pushing her out. She luckily caught herself before she face planted onto the hard-wood floor of Bella's apartment.

     "Oh my God, Nat you're a genius! That's totally what happened!"

     Natalie practically chocked at her friends words. Her eyes widened when a bright smile appeared on Bella's features. Bella pulled her phone hurriedly out of her pocket.

     "Hey, do you know the Russian Mafia's number? Maybe I can sell my kidney to get Noah back."

     "No!" Natalie screamed as she dove for her friends phone. Bella dodged her and fell back onto the bed, opening the phone app. Natalie continued to fight, jumping on her friend and pinning her down, attempting to grab the phone from her friend. Bella kicked and screamed, hollering about how she needed to sell her organs for Noah. Natalie finally got her hands on Bella's phone and she shoved it down her pants pocket. Bella groaned, falling back onto her bed and shoving a pillow in her face.

     "You could text him, ask him why he broke up with you, get your answer and move on with your life."

     "Wow, why didn't you say that before?"

     Natalie rolled her eyes again and decided not to say anything. She handed Bella her phone back and Bella immediately opened up her messages and clicked the contact titled 'Noah' with about two million heart emojis that made Natalie cringe.

6:54 P.M.

hey, i just would like to know why you broke up with me?

     Natalie watched as Bella started to put a collection of heart emojis and smiley faces.

     "Bella," she warned. Bella looked up innocently.

     "I just wanna-"

     Bella stopped when she saw the raised eyebrows and scowl on Natalie's face. She sighed and sadly deleted the emojis. After the emojis were deleted she pressed send and watched as the message went through, delivered popping up underneath it.

     "Now, promise me you won't wait around by your phone until he texts back."

     "I promise."


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