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     BELLA WAITED, unlike she promised. Right when Nat left her apartment, she plopped onto her bed and lied down by her phone. She stayed there until her body had cramps and she started to ache, but she knew he would reply... Right?

     It was now 3:36 A.M. Bella had bags growing under her eyes as she stared at her phone. She felt them grow heavy, and with that her eyes shut limply. Her head turned to face the ceiling and she drifted off into a blissful slumber.


     The moment Bella awoke, she seemed to forget anything that happened last night. She stretched her arms and yawned, closing her eyes for extra sleep before she jolted out of her bed with eyes wide. Bella practically attacked her phone as memories of last night came to her. She unlocked it and looked at the messages app. Sure enough, the number 1 in the red bubble was on the message app. Bella smiled, relief filling her. She opened it and clicked the Noah's contact.

8:40 A.M.

i don't love you anymore

     Bella felt her heart break.



     This was the only thing Bella had been doing the past three hours. Tears and tears and tears and tears. And just when she thought she was out of them, she started crying some more.

     Grabbing a fresh tissue out of the box, she shoved it to her nose and blew. Mascara from the day before still resided under her eyes and she cried harder at the sad romantic movie scene playing on her TV.

     "He doesn't love you!" she shouted and grabbed her box of tissues, throwing them at the screen and then bursting into a fit of more tears. Her hands covered her face as she collapsed sideways onto her couch. Her face became ugly as her tears seemed to leak nonstop.

     When Bella finally managed her waterworks and was about to replay the movie for the third time, her phone rang. She reached one hand out and fumbled to grab her phone off the coffee table. She didn't bother to check who was calling and instead pressed answer and brought it up to her ear.

     "If this is a twelve year old boy playing a phone prank on me, I will call the cops and politely ask them to shoot you."

     "What? Bella its Natalie."

     Bella sat up straighter and grabbed her TV remote, quickly shutting off the TV.

     "Nat, thank God. Okay so I might've broken our promise and waited all night for Noah to text back and then I fell asleep but I woke up the next morning and was like 'holy crap Noah texted' so I opened it and it said 'I don't love you anymore' and I was all like 'wow my life is over' so I started watching-"

     "Bella, slow down, what?"

     "Nat, I'm so so sorry. I broke our promise and waited for him to text back. I fell asleep but when I woke up he texted. He said he didn't love me anymore so I got upset and started crying and watching the same sad romantic movie and freaking bawling my eyes out. I just... I just don't know what to do." Bella broke down again and her voice cracked. She started to tear up. Nat sighed through the phone.

     "Oh Bella... I'm coming over."

     With that, Nat hung up.


Natalie knocked on the door, waking Bella up from her daze. She shut her eyes for a moment and composed herself before getting up and opening the door. The moment she opened it, Nat forced herself inside and threw her arms around Bella. She hugged back immediately, tears starting to pour out of her eyes. After a moment, Nat released her. She gripped Bella's shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes.

     "I brought ice cream. And we are going to watch every single non sad romantic movie ever invented." Nat informed. Bella hesitated and looked down. She soon looked back up and nodded, a pout playing on her lips.

     "Chocolate chip cookie dough?" Bella asked simply. Nat laughed and nodded.

     "Well duh."


     "I just can't believe he did that. I mean, I really thought we'd be together forever, you know?"

     Bella was still very upset. Nat understood where she was coming from, but she needed to move on. Hopefully she would get over it soon. (Spoiler alert: she didn't.)

     "I know, I know. But Bella, there are plenty of fish in the sea. I promise you'll find someone who loves you."

     "But I wanted that fish!" she cried, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Nat only sighed and took a bite of her own ice cream.

     When Bella finally got over Noah, she would see how much she didn't need him. But sadly, it's only the second stage.


im obsessed with this book ngl i have the entire thing planned. i think the ending will rlly screw u guys over omfg and then the sequel will be even better yay.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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