Thou Shall Not Insult Me Part 3

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Chapter Thirteen Part 3/3:
Thou Shall Not Insult Me Part 3

When the bell rang to indicate that Bio class is over, I quickly packed up my binder, and my books before rushing out of the classroom. It's safe to say that I didn't want to get near James, knowing that he would continuously annoy me and try to get my number.

He tried a few times during our lesson, but I ignored him. He tried again when we were dissecting a pig, but I threatened to cut him with the scalpel, which made me lose points for pointing hazardous material at him. Then, he tried again by sending me a note, but he got caught and had to read the note out loud infront of the class.

"Maverick, my number is
306-980-****. If you won't give me yours, at least you have mine. You should call me sometime." He had said this infront of everyone confidently. I kid you not, he attempted to wink at me but he end up blinking both eyes instead.

Just remembering it made me want to jump off a cliff.

As I walk down the hallway, I was hugging my Bio textbook close to my chest, like was a barrier for me to protect myself from any odd monstrosities. Ahem. People like James. Ahem. But mostly, people in general.

Then, I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket, so I pulled it out, and saw the notification saying,

James Furber added you on Facebook.

I cursed so loud, that students who happened to pass me by, gave me looks. But I didn't care about them. I cared about myself, and I'm very concerned about the possibility of having my own stalker. I might be over exaggerating, but why can't he just leave me alone?

Natasha walked by, holding her binder in one hand, and a granola bar in the other. A confused look was on her face when I looked back at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Did someone ask you out, or what?" Then she laughed at her own joke, but I wasn't laughing along with her because ironically, the joke happened to be true. As she guffawed and giggle, she deadpanned when I started nodding my head.

"No way!" She exclaimed, her jaw hanging open. I sighed and took her granola bar and started to eat it without her permission. "About time!"

"Nat, no!" I said, shaking my head, and looking horrified. "He won't leave me alone!"

"Awe, that's so sweet."

"What the fuck!" I whispered harshly at her. "Why does everyone keep on saying that? It's so creepy!"

Then I started to walk, and Nat followed suit. She tried to take the granola bar back, but I swatted her hands with my book.

"Thief!" She accused. I felt bad and shared, but she end up taking it all. "Who is it?" She asked curiously.

"That toad, James Furber."

"The football player?" Natasha asked, her eyes twinkling with delight. I stared at her blankly, somewhat feeling annoyed because she looked excited about the terrible news.

"I don't freakin' know." I told her. "I don't know people."

"Oh my god, he's so cute! You should totally go for it!"

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