I'm Afraid To Be Alone

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Chapter Nineteen:
I'm Afraid To Be Alone

Dani ignored me during English class. We both knew that we were supposed to work on our slam poetry assignment, and we did a little, and sadly, there was tension. It made me feel insecure, to be honest.

Not only did she blurted out her secret to me, but she was also pissed. She was irritated. I would watch her erase something on her paper, a deep frown on her face, and a sigh that made me feel somewhat guilty. I felt so bad.

It's my fault. She probably didn't want me to know about her, and she end up telling me anyways. Accidentally. By accidentally, I mean by her outrage because I was being a prejudging prick.

She crumpled the paper up and pulled a loose-leaf from her binder.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked softly, staring at the crumpled paper.

Dani looked up, and slightly glared at me. She shook her head and took the crumpled paper to protect it, as if I was going to steal it. I inwardly groaned. How long would this go on? I mean, sure I messed up, but the fact that Dani's being ignorant towards me kind of hurts.

Our desks were right beside each other, but we were quietly working individually. I couldn't take it anymore and so I turned, facing her.

"We're partners." I told her. "We're supposed to work together."

Dani paused, looked up, and gave me a side glance. Still, she continued on working like I said nothing at all.

"Cooperate, please." I blurted out stupidly.


"Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker." I said again.


"Harry and Ron."


"Dani." I called out again, biting my lip because I'm starting to feel anxious. "Come on, talk to me."

"I just hate how stupid you are sometimes." She finally said, turning her head and giving me a pointed look. "Not to mention, I'm stupid too."

"I don't think you're stupid." I whispered, and laying my head on my folded arms on the desk. I peeked behind my dark hair, afraid that she might yell at me again.

"Out of all people, it gotta be you." She said, scoffing. I stared at her in confusion, unsure of what she meant. "You probably think I'm gross now, right?" I narrowed my eyes, and sat up. I knew that I needed to say something. I wanted to say something to make things better, but my mouth was completely shut. Dani chuckled without humour and shook her head in disbelief. She murmurred, figures, and I've never felt out of place my whole life.

Dani's right. I am stupid. I'm also a coward. Everytime I need to make a decision, my mind would go blank, and I'd end up messing everything up even more. It's fucking ironic because all I wanted was to fix things. But I guess fixing things will be one of my weaknesses from now on. I've realized that sometimes, I, Maverick Bridge, cannot fix everything.

The bell rang, and class ended. Dani pushed her desk away from mine to its original place, and left without a word.


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